Arun Local Plan report adopted | Latest news


Arun Local Plan report adopted

Local Plan examination Hearings to take place


house At a meeting of the Full Council on 18 July 2018, Arun District Council members voted to adopt the Arun Local Plan with Main Modifications. The adoption of the Local Plan follows the recent publication of the Local Plan Inspectors Report in which the Inspector, Mark Dalkeyne found the Plan to be ‘sound’.

The Adopted Plan now forms part of the Statutory Development Plan (replacing the previous Arun District Local Plan 2003 saved polices) and will be used to determine  planning applications. It sets out the vision, objectives, and sustainable development strategy which includes strategic allocations and development management policies across the Arun District (except those parts within the South Downs National Park planning authority area) for the 20 year period 2011 up to 2031.

During this period the adopted Plan determines that 20,000 homes should be built to provide a range of housing types and needs e.g. including affordable housing and also housing for the elderly. Policies are also included to regenerate and protect town centres and local centres and villages as well as provide employment opportunities while ensuring that the environment and countryside is protected as far as possible including from the impact of climate change and flooding. 

The new Local Plan has been the subject of extensive public consultation and examination hearings conducted by an Independent Inspector listening to a wide spectrum of expert evidence and who recognises that the new Plan will bring significant changes to our communities, infrastructure and the environment.

Cllr John Charles, Cabinet member for Planning said “The adoption of our Local Plan is a milestone and a huge achievement and although not without impact, means the Arun District and local communities will be supported by planned development, infrastructure and polices to ensure that there is appropriate protection, conservation and mitigation.

“The scale of growth in the Plan addresses the demographic evidence on population growth, people living within the district and those moving in and out and forming new households. The plan is therefore making housing provision for existing and for future generations at a time of when house price affordability and lack of availability are a challenge. In particular, the plan seeks to regenerate the major towns of Littlehampton and Bognor Regis as well as sustain local villages and Strategic Allocations through enhanced or new service hubs and business/employment sites in order to ensure that a variety of jobs and access to services to match the scale of housing.”