Important Information for Landlords | Latest news


Important Information for Landlords

Important Information for Landlords


Houses Important Information for Landlords

A year has passed since the change in legislation for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) and Arun District Council is urging landlords of HMOs to ensure they have the correct licence, before action is taken.

On 1 October 2018, the legislation for Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMOs) changed. The mandatory licensing removed the ‘number of storeys’ element. This means any HMO that is occupied by five or more people who form two or more separate households, and who share basic amenities such as a kitchen, bathroom or toilet, now requires a licence. It is a criminal offence to operate a licensable HMO without a licence.

Arun District Council is encouraging Landlords to ensure that if they are operating an HMO which meets the licensing criteria, they act now and make a formal application for a licence. Officers will be proactively identifying potentially unlicensed properties and where such offences are found, Landlords will be penalised and could receive a reduced licensing period, a civil penalty fine or prosecution.

To apply for a licence, Landlords need to complete an HMO application form which can be found on the Arun District Council’s website. The website also includes information about applicable fees, the minimum standards that the property is required to meet in regards to room sizes, kitchen and washing facilities and other safety measures including fire safety precautions.

For further information please visit the Council’s website, contact Arun Direct on 01903 737755 or email