Local Plan Main Modifications consultation concludes | Latest news


Local Plan Main Modifications consultation concludes

Local Plan examination Hearings to take place


house The Public consultation for main modifications to the Arun District Council local plan draws to a close on Friday 23 February 2018.

As part of the ongoing examination into the Local Plan, the Council prepared further Main Modifications to the Plan in liaison with the Planning Inspector conducting the examination. These include those modifications prepared to resolve concerns raised by the Planning Inspector. This consultation follows on from the hearings that were held in September 2017.

The consultation for public to make their comments on the main modifications went live on 12 January 2017 and draws to a close at 5 pm Friday 23 February 2018, so time to act now if you would like to make a representation. Only those representations made within this time frame and focusing on the main modifications will be considered by the Planning Inspector as part of the Examination in Public.

As the consultation closes, all of the representations received along with all other supporting documentation produced by the Council, will be passed to the Planning Inspector, Mr. Dakeyne, in order for him to prepare his final Report which he will submit to the Council in April, 2018.

For further information, please contact the Planning Policy and Conservation Team on 01903 737500 or email: localplan@arun.gov.uk