Home upgrade grants for ‘off mains gas’ properties | Latest news


Home upgrade grants for ‘off mains gas’ properties

Picture of hand with a mobile phone screen showing an image of house with the Energy Performance picture (several coloured lines with the letters A to G) the text is Live in Arun? If you don't have a gas boiler. You could receive a free government home improvement grant. The image also states Warmer homes with their row of houses logo. Funded by UK Government. The home upgrade grant (HUG2) is a new government scheme that funds energy-saving upgrades for eligible residents with off-gas properties (homes running on electric heating systems). *

The Warmer Homes programme is now open to more households as the maximum income for eligible households has been increased to £36,000 per year.

If you don't have gas central heating, you could receive energy saving upgrades in your home worth up to £38,000 depending on the property. This could include solar panels, air source heat pumps, or insulation.

If you're interested but unsure about your eligibility, visit the Warmer Homes website www.warmerhomes.org.uk or call freephone 0800 038 5737 to chat with their team.

You can also find more information here: Heating, Insulation and low carbon heating grants - West Sussex Energy

*includes homes, such as park homes that have Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) gas bottles