Rampion 2 Wind Farm

Our relevant representation to the proposed extension of the original Offshore Wind Farm.

Principal areas of disagreement statement


1.1 In response to the Examining Authority’s request for a Principal Areas of Disagreement Statement (PADS) for Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm (EN010117) in a Procedural Decision, dated 20 September 2023, this sets out an initial Principal Areas of Disagreement Statement (PADS) by Arun District Council (ADC). 

1.2 The initial PADS includes a summary position of the substantive concerns with Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm by ADC at this point in time, together with proposed measures to overcome the areas of disagreement. For the purposes of this PADS, the following definitions have been used for the ‘Likelihood of the concerned being addressed during Examination’ in the table of Section 2. 

Description of the following definitions:

  • likely – issues where agreement/changes could be resolved during the Examination period

  • to be discussed – issues that should be discussed further during the Examination period where the likelihood ( for example likely or unlikely) is not clear at this stage

  • unlikely – issues where agreement is unlikely to be resolved during the Examination period

1.3 The initial PADS will be updated with further matters that may arise during further reviews of the documentation submitted for Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm and further discussions with the Applicant. The updated PADS will be resubmitted during the Examination when requested by the Examining Authority. 

1.4 The matters contained herein shall be expanded upon in the Written Representation (WR) and the Local Impact Report (LIR), but in summary our principal areas of disagreement relate to the areas set out in the table below. 

2. Summary of principal areas of disagreement



Principal issue in question

Brief concern held by us (to be reported in full in the WR and LIR)

What needs to change, be amended and/or included so as to overcome the disagreement 

Likelihood of the concern being addressed during the Examination stage



Construction Compound

Concerns regarding the substantial size of Climping Compound covering 6.13ha and limited details provided on its use. The draft Development Consent Order (DCO) refers to Work No.10 only as a ‘temporary construction compound’, although several assessments refer to concrete plant. 

Concerns that our Environmental Health Department has not previously been consulted on the proposed final location of Climping Compound.

Whilst we appreciate a degree of flexibility is required, further detail of Climping Compound, including on its use and justification for the substantial size, is sought. 

A description (comparable detail to other Work No. descriptions) of its use is sought in the draft DCO or another document where there is a commitment to comply with the description. 

To be discussed


Mitigation, monitoring
and compensation

Concerns regarding the lack of commitment and securing mechanism of mitigation, monitoring and compensation. For example, the mitigation set out in the Commitments Register refers to where practicable, where feasible, if necessary. Furthermore, some mitigation/compensation such as the Supply Chain Plan and the Community Benefits Package do not appear to be defined and followed through to a commitment and/or securing mechanism. In addition, the construction communications plan should include Climping Compound.

We will incur additional expenditure relating to the discharging of requirements/associated applications.

Firmer commitment to mitigation/compensation and these to be followed through to a securing mechanism. 

We are of the opinion that compensation ( for example community fund such as that for Rampion 1) is required for significant effects that cannot be addressed by embedded mitigation measures, for example, the significant effects on seascape from the Arun coastline.

Seek to recover costs associated with discharging requirements/applications such as S61 applications.

To be discussed 



Insufficient evidence of reasonable alternative locations (taking into account environmental effects) has been given for the temporary construction compound at Climping. The main reasons for the selection of this location next to a residential area and tourist assets have not been given. 

During the initial route option process and for the additional land included within the DCO limits at the landfall at Climping during route modification, it is not evident that Climping Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or the strategic housing allocation were considered as part of the route selection process. Instead, Chapter 3 ‘Alternatives’ of the ES states that one of the key reasons justifying the preferred route was that ‘statutory ecological designations are largely avoided along the onshore cable route, and none were identified within the onshore cable corridor at this stage’. 

We require further information on the options and appraisal to demonstrate consideration of environmental, social and economic effects have been taken into account in the selection process for the onshore corridor route at landfall location of Climping Compound. 

To be discussed



Outline skills and employment strategy

Concerns that limited detail is given within the outline skills and employment strategy and that we are not listed as a consultee.

For us to be listed as a consultee.  

To provide more information on the strategy and benefits for us, including linking to apprenticeships and local education institutes in Arun. Objectives need to include support for local SMEs and opportunities for SMEs to access the supply chain. Measures to also be secured through the Outline Code of Construction Practice.



Community package benefits

We believe that the district will not significantly benefit from the project, rather the area will experience disruption and significant adverse effects, some of which are unlikely to be mitigated. 

Concerns about the mechanism regarding which the community benefits package is secured and the criteria/funds involved as not referenced in the draft DCO.

Further information on a community benefits package. 

Commitment (and securing mechanism) needs to be made to us for this package to compensate and offset adverse effects within the district. 

To be discussed 



Job creation (construction and operation) has not been assessed at the district level within the administrative area of Arun.  

Employment effects, including job numbers, should be assessed at district level and not just at County level. Employment relates to the skills and employment strategy as the outcomes of the Strategy in terms of developing skills and employment opportunities may influence the spatial distribution of benefits.



Tourism and assets

We have concerns regarding adverse effects on tourism and tourism assets, including potential displaced tourism from Arun.

Chapter 17 of the Environmental Statement (ES) states that regarding the construction effects of wind farms ‘the research typically focuses on measuring opinions on what the impacts on the visitor economy could be prior to implementation of the scheme. However, ex-post research suggests that even where there have been negative effects, these often occur in the form of displaced tourism with visitors diverting to neighbouring areas instead’. Whilst this may be considered a neutral effect at County level, it suggests areas directly affected by construction such as Arun will experience at least temporary adverse effects, even if Sussex overall has a neutral effect. 

Chapter 17 also notes that at the local level ‘installation activity along the onshore cable corridor may have a negative impact on walking and cycling routes, coastal paths, holiday parks and other tourism-related assets that are located in close proximity to onshore construction work. The assessment concludes that during the construction phase, there would be major/moderate, and therefore significant effects on a limited number of tourist destinations. These locations are Climping Beach, Climping Camp Site, Climping Caravan Park and Washington Caravan Park. Many of these locations are in Arun and there are also other local assets that are omitted which will experience adverse effects. When this is measured in Sussex the effect is negligible, however, for residents and local businesses in Arun, the effects may be significant and this should be recognised.

Further information is necessary on the effects and mitigation local (Arun District) level, as the list of tourism assets is not considered complete. 

Furthermore, mitigation such as ‘C-33 An Outline COCP will be adopted to minimise temporary disturbance to residential properties, recreational users and existing land users. It will provide details of measures to protect environmental receptors is not considered actual mitigation as it is an attempt to minimise disruption, which is not to say that significant disruption will not occur. Adverse effects on tourism and tourism assets will need to be overcome through community compensation notably via the community benefits package. Specific mitigation should be put in place for Climping Compound regarding nearby tourism assets.

To be discussed.


Strategic Allocation

The cable route transects through a strategic housing allocation (Policy H SP2b, SD4:

Littlehampton – West Bank) identified in ADC’s adopted Local Plan. The allocation is for circa 1,000 residential dwellings that will be key to supporting future regeneration of the town and the Littlehampton Economic Growth Area. 

ADC has significant concerns that the route will sterilise the western part of the allocation and impede the ability to bring forward this site for housing. 

Details are required on what impact the project is likely to have on the strategic housing allocation, including any sterilisation of land, and the effect on housing delivery within Arun.

To be discussed. 

Seascape, landscape and visual   


Scale and extent of Wind Turbine Generators 

The spatial extent is greater than Rampion 1 and we continue to have significant concerns regarding the scale relative to the proximity to the coastline and the resulting significant visual effects.

We recognise that the spatial extent has been reduced. However, there will still be significant visual effects on the coastline, for example, from Climping Beach and Littlehampton seafront, which are tourist and recreational destinations. 

We are of the opinion that as no further mitigation is possible, compensation is the only route.  

To be discussed. 


Construction Compound

Concerns regarding visual effects of the landfall construction compound (Work No.8) and Climping Compound (Work No.10); the latter is substantial in size.  

We expect the visual effects from viewpoints (to be agreed) to be assessed. 

Seek appropriate landscaping boundary treatments for Climping Compound to be secured and implemented.  

To be discussed. 


Permanent Infrastructure

Permanent infrastructure corridor width up to 25m (or wider at trenchless crossing locations).

Details are required on the surface treatments within these permanent infrastructure corridors, any requirements for easements in these areas and whether this impacts reinstatement.

To be discussed. 

Terrestrial and marine ecology  


Climping SSSI

Significant concerns regarding the cable route passing beneath and near to the Climping SSSI and ecological sensitive areas. Nationally scarce invertebrates have been identified on the sand dunes of Climping beach. We note access would be restricted in the SSSI and no groundbreaking activity. However, there remains the potential for unplanned events and localised degradation of habitat within the SSSI, which is of concern.

To undertake an invertebrate survey of Climping SSSI. 

To provide an assessment of indirect effects to the SSSI.

To be discussed. 


Terrestrial biodiversity net gain

Biodiversity net gain has not been assessed at the district level. We would expect biodiversity net gain to be achieved within the administrative area of Arun.

To provide a biodiversity net gain matrix specifically for the area within Arun.

The maintenance programme will need to align and comply with the requirements of the biodiversity net gain for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, which is expected to come into force in 2025.

Regarding Requirement 14 in the draft DCO (Part 3), ADC request that it is amended so that the biodiversity net gain strategy for stages that relate to areas within Arun is also submitted to and approved by us.



Marine biodiversity net gain

To demonstrate marine biodiversity net gain. 

We expect marine benefits to be achieved and contribution to marine restoration projects such as Help the Kelp. 

Consideration should be given to a marine biodiversity net gain assessment.

To be discussed. 



Potentially detrimental effects of Climping Compound on Land to the west of Church Lane, South of Horsemere Green Lane, Climping (planning ref. CM/48/21/RES,


Climping Compound is located adjacent to Land to the west of Church Lane, South of Horsemere Green Lane, Climping. This site has permission for 300 dwellings and therefore has reasonable certainty of coming forward and there is the potential for new residents whilst Climping Compound is in use. No assessment of the noise effects of these future residents nearest to the compound has been undertaken Although classified as ‘temporary’, this compound will be in place for a minimum of 3.5 years with potential for protracted noise detriment. 

Provide modelling and assessment of the noise effects on future receptors introduced by the residential development west of Church Lane and the adjoining Climping Compound. Location of receptor(s) to be agreed with us.

To be discussed. 


Noise from Horizontal
Directional Drilling (HDD). Section 61 Applications - The Control of Pollution
Act 1974

Potential for prolonged exposure of sensitive receptors to noisy drilling and ancillary works 24 hours per day over consecutive, often multiple days.

Section 61 applications allow the applicant to apply for prior consent to extend the agreed hours of (noisy) working for specified purposes to be agreed with our environmental health department. This is likely to apply in the case of HDD for 24-hour consecutive, often multiple days.

The applicant to consider temporary relocation of people affected by 24-hour drilling as a method of mitigation where HDD (or other noisy working) is scheduled to proceed for 24 hours per day for longer than 48 consecutive hours.

To be discussed. 


Determination  of requirement for Mitigation/ Section 61 consents 

Chapter 21 of the ES states with respect to construction noise effects that determination of the need for Section 61 consent will be determined by the contractor at the detailed design stage, following a review of construction noise assessments if it is determined that there is a ‘significant deviation’ from initial predictions.

Clarification is required on the level of competency of the contractor to review construction noise predictions.

Quantify what is considered a ‘significant deviation’ from predicted construction noise levels. 

To be discussed. 


Table 21.23 of Chapter 21 of the ES - Construction Noise ‘Trigger Values’.

These values replicate the values set out in Table E.2 of British Standard (BS) 5228 in particular for the 8am to 6pm time period. Proposed construction hours are stated as 7am to 7pm whereas the shoulder hours (7am to 8am and 6pm to 7pm. Table E.2 suggests a trigger value of 70dB LAeq, T.

Confirm that trigger values are to align with lower trigger value as set out in Table E.2 for the proposed construction periods construction Table E.2.

Review/update construction noise assessment against the revised criterion. 

To be discussed. 


Construction noise
outcomes (Tables 21.27 –21.29) 

For some locations that are close to exceeding the 65dB threshold value, the assessment outcome has been increased to reflect potential impact. This has not been done consistently and where there are predicted values that are also close to the threshold value, the outcome has not been increased.  

Review construction noise assessment and increase assessment outcomes where they are within 2dB of threshold/trigger values. This will address the inherent uncertainties that are discussed 21.5.10 – 21.5.11. 

To be discussed. 


Climping Compound

There are insufficient details of the noise modelling inputs for the operation of the construction compound.

Provide noise modelling inputs for the construction compound predictions (such as a concrete plant).

To be discussed. 


Baseline monitoring data 

Insufficient baseline for noise-sensitive locations in the vicinity of the Climping Compound. Only data for a single location to the southeast of the compound has been presented. This will not accurately characterise existing baseline noise conditions at nearby noise-sensitive receptors, in particular, Climping Village, the caravan park immediately west of the proposed compound, Climping C of E Primary School, Climping Village Hall and play area immediately north of this and glamping at Cuckoo Farm.

Provide additional baseline noise data that is representative of existing sound climate at receptors in the vicinity of Climping Compound.

To be discussed. 


Access to cable route west of Benjamin Gray Drive

Potential noise effects of heavy good vehicles (HGV) movements on existing quiet residential roads. No data was provided to support assumptions.

Evidence is required to support assumptions.

To be discussed. 


Location of Private Water Supplies

Our environmental health department had not been consulted in this case.

As previously requested, please provide a comprehensive list of private water supplies identified for further investigation due to their proximity to the project.


Historic environment 


Listed buildings, locally listed buildings and area of characters.

Listed buildings at numbers 45-47 South Terrace, locally listed buildings at 4, 8-95 South Terrace & 16 Granville Road and South Terrace Area of character. 

To provide an assessment for listed buildings at numbers 45-47 South Terrace, locally listed buildings at 48-95 South Terrace & 16 Granville Road and South Terrace Area of character.

To be discussed. 


Adequacy of consultation response letter HTML version

National Infrastructure 
Temple Quay House
2 The Square BS1 6P
Your Ref: EN010117. 

21 August 2023 

Dear Ms Davies

Planning Act 2008 (as amended) – Section 55  

Proposed Application by Rampion Extension Development Limited for an Order Granting

Development Consent for the scheme Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm – EN010117  Adequacy of consultation request

Thank you for your invitation, dated 11 August 2023, to Arun District Council to comment as to whether the Applicant has complied, in relation to the application, with its duties under S.42, S.47 and S.48 of the Planning Act 2008. Our response below provides Arun District Council’s Adequacy of Consultation representation (S.55 of the Planning Act 2008).

Arun District Council has reviewed the Consultation Report (Document Reference 5.1, dated

August 2023) and considered points that were raised by Littlehampton area Community Organisations and Residents (in a letter dated January 2023). Arun District Council is satisfied that the Applicant has complied, in relation to the application, with the required duties to the council under S.42, S.47 and S.48 of the Planning Act 2008.


Neil Crowther

Group Head of Planning - Arun District Council 

Relevant representations submission letter HTML version

Letter sent via email

Your Ref: EN010117

6 November 2023

Dear Planning Inspectorate

Relevant Representations on behalf of Arun District Council

This letter is Arun District Council’s (ADC) Relevant Representation for Rampion 2 Offshore Wind Farm (hereafter referred to as the Project). 

ADC supports renewable energy generation and carbon reduction objectives to meet climate change commitments, whilst also promoting economic development and locally skilled jobs. However, as a host authority of the Project, ADC has some concerns regarding disruption and impacts to residents, businesses, the local economy and the environment. The benefits of the Project as a whole or beyond Arun will be of limited value to residents and local businesses who face disruption during construction. We will continue to engage with the Applicant to make sure that should the Project be granted, the Project delivers social, economic and environmental benefits to Arun that outweighs the disruption. 

ADC is the planning authority for Arun, with the exception of the area of Arun within the South Downs National Park. West Sussex County Council is the highways authority, education authority and Lead Local Flood Authority that covers Arun. The initial principal areas of concern set out below therefore relate largely to subject and geographical areas which ADC has primary responsibility. 

1. General

  • There is considered to be insufficient evidence and justification for selection of some aspects of the Project and the alternatives studied by the Applicant, taking into account environmental effects.
  • ADC has concerns about the location, substantial size and the likely effects of Climping Compound during the construction period. 
  • ADC has concerns of the lack of commitment and securing mechanism of mitigation, monitoring and compensation. It is not always clear mitigation/compensation is followed though to a securing mechanism and the Commitments Register appears more aspirational rather than embedded environmental measures. 

2. Socio-economics/Economics/Tourism 

  • Outline Skills and Employment Strategy – limited detail is outlined within the Outline Skills and Employment Strategy and ADC is not listed as a consultee to this document. This is a concern given the adverse effects the District will experience during construction. ADC is expecting to be a recipient and consultee regarding benefits – being particularly interested in learning related opportunities at all levels including apprenticeships and universities. The Strategy is very high-level and it is not clear how different elements inter relate, for example, para. 2.3.3 refers to “Encouraging and supporting growth and employment in local supply chain companies… Increasing visibility of local SMEs” whereas supporting local business is not included as an objective in para 5.1.2. Further to this, the Environmental Statement (ES) (Chapter 17, Table 17.19) cites “RED will identify opportunities for companies based or operating in the region to access supply chain for the Proposed Development” as being secured through measure C-34 in the Outline Code of Construction Practice (OCCP). This measure, however, is not within the OCCP.  
  • Community Benefits Package - ADC has concerns about securing benefits from this package. Reference is made to the Community Benefits Package in the Outline Skills and Employment Strategy. Due to adverse effects identified (below) the Community Benefits Package is necessary to assist in mitigation. 
  • Jobs – ADC has concerns that there will be a low number of locally skilled jobs created in Arun from the Project. The construction benefits are described in the ES as being 80 jobs across Sussex and operational benefits as being 100-110 jobs across Sussex (Chapter 17, Tables 17.25 and 17.32). The potential for employment by location may be influenced by the Skills and Employment Strategy in terms of preparing and informing local business. Details on this are therefore important. 
  • Tourism – ADC has concerns regarding displaced tourism from Arun. The ES (Chapter 17) notes that regarding construction effects of wind farms ‘the research typically focusses on measuring opinions of what the impacts on the visitor economy could be prior to implementation of the scheme. However, ex-post research suggests that even where there have been negative effects, these often occur in the form of displaced tourism with visitors diverting to neighbouring areas instead’. Whilst this may be considered a neutral effect at the wider area level, it suggests areas directly affected by construction such as Arun will experience at least temporary adverse effects. 
  • Tourism Assets – ADC has concerns regarding the adverse effects on tourist assets within Arun. Chapter 17 of the ES states that at the local level ‘installation activity along the onshore cable corridor may have a negative impact on walking and cycling routes, coastal paths, holiday parks and other tourism-related assets that are located in close proximity to onshore construction works… the assessment concludes that during the construction phase there would be major / moderate, and therefore significant effects on a limited number of tourist destinations. These locations are Climping Beach, Climping Camp Site, Climping Caravan Park and Washington Caravan Park’. Many of these locations are in Arun and there are more in the vicinity of Climping Compound. Whilst at County level, it may be a negligible effect, however for Arun, the effect on residents and local businesses will be significant in some instances and this should be identified and mitigated. 
  • Amenity – concerns regarding the significant effects on public rights of way within Arun, some of which are heavily used. 
  • Strategic Housing Allocation - the cable route crosses the housing allocation ‘Strategic Housing Allocation SD4 Littlehampton – West Bank’ as identified in the Arun Local Plan (adopted 2018). No assessment has been identified which considers the effect on the strategic housing allocation and cable route in terms of the implications and any sterilisation of land. 

3. Seascape, Landscape and Visual 

  • ADC acknowledge that the spatial extent of the offshore array area and quantity of wind turbine generators has been reduced. However, ADC continues to have significant concerns regarding the scale relative to the proximity to the coastline and the resulting significant visual effects. 
  • ADC has significant concerns regarding the visual effects associated with the temporary (approximately 3 years and 5 months) construction horizontal directional (HDD) compound and Climping Compound, which is of a significant size and duration. 
  • ADC also has concerns regarding onshore landscape scarring and the effects on landscape landform and visual character. Reference is made to restatement of construction compounds and onshore cable corridors. We expect reinstatement to be an appropriate like for like replacement, taking into account new/emerging threats from diseases and biodiversity enhancements.
  • ADC note that the onshore cable route has been refined to approximately 40m in width with permanent infrastructure corridor width up to 25m (or wider at trenchless crossing locations). We seek clarification and detail on the surface treatments within these permanent infrastructure corridors, any requirements for easements in these areas and whether this impacts reinstatement. 
  • We note that the landscape reinstatement will be subject to an on-going minimum 10year monitoring programme. The maintenance programme will need to align and comply with the requirements of the biodiversity net gain for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Projects, which is expected to come into force in 2025; the same year the Project is planned to commence construction.

4. Terrestrial and Marine Ecology 

  • ADC has significant concerns regarding the cable route passing beneath and near to the Climping Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and ecological sensitive areas. Nationally scarce invertebrates have been identified on the sand dunes of Climping beach. We note access would be restricted in the SSSI and no groundbreaking activity. However, the potential for indirect effects is unclear and unplanned events could lead to localised degradation of habitat within the SSSI, which is of a concern. 
  • We note that the Applicant seeks to achieve biodiversity net gain of at least ten percent onshore for the Project. Biodiversity net gain has not been assessed at the district level. We would expect biodiversity net gain to be achieved within the administrative area of Arun.
  • We acknowledge that marine biodiversity is not yet mandatory and the Applicant is exploring opportunities for marine benefits. ADC would expect marine benefits and contribution to marine restoration projects such as Help the Kelp. Consideration should be given to a marine biodiversity net gain assessment. 

5. Noise 

• There are concerns regarding the adequacy of the noise assessment which in ADC’s view may underestimate the construction and operation noise effects (of the proposed Climping Compound). ADC has concerns regarding the modelling of the noise sources, adequacy of the assessment of background noise levels (in relation to the Climping Compound), omissions from the assessment and validity of the assessment method. Further information is required before ADC can determine whether the assessment is a representative assessment of construction noise and vibration.

6. Historic Environment 

• ADC has identified and prepared a list buildings and areas of character which are nondesignated heritage assets. There are two associated Local Plan policies (HER DM2 and HER DM4). In terms areas of character, some adjoin conservation areas in Littlehampton. The most relevant is the South Terrace Area of Character adjoining the Littlehampton Seafront Conservation Area. Within the historic environment assessment (Chapter 25 of the ES), it states that ‘Assessment of effects on Locally Listed Buildings or Structures of Character and Areas of Character, as identified by Arun District Council, is presented in Sections 25.9 to 25.11’. An assessment has not been undertaken for non-designated heritage assets, even though some are within the 1km study area. In Appendix 25.7 of the ES, Table 5.1 consists of the Step 1 Assessment which fails to identify No’s 45-47 South Terrace, which are listed buildings. It also fails to identify any of the locally listed buildings or Area of Character. 

7. Human Health and Population

  • Within the population and human health assessment (Chapter 28 of the ES), we seek clarification as to why a determination for sensitivity and magnitude can produce two different outcomes. A low sensitivity and a high magnitude of impact can deliver a minor or moderate effect. This ambiguity could lead to a misunderstanding as to whether the Project leads to a non-significant or significant effect on a particular receptor. 
  • The Equalities Impact Assessment (Appendix 28.3 of the ES) is based on the Equalities Act and makes specific reference to ‘protected characteristics’ as defined in Section 4 of the Equalities Act. However, the assessment (Tables 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6) is not limited to the protected characteristics (i.e. age, sex, race, religion etc.). Clarification is therefore required to assess the protected characteristics as per the Equalities Act.

If you wish to discuss the contents of this letter, or if there is anything you do not understand, please contact me.

Yours sincerely

Neil Crowther             

Group Head of Planning

Arun District Council