Appendix 3. Overview of progress and achievements for Arun District Council - Grants and Projects delivered in the Arun district

A3.1 Insulation and boilers

A3.1.1. HHCRO Home Heat Carbon Reduction Obligation

Statistics on HHCRO scheme.

Between January 2014 and August 2016, YES provided £238k in top-up funding, with a further £50k allocated to the 2017 scheme. The YES team secured a further £10k contribution from West Sussex Public Health to support the scheme in 2017.

Figure A3.1.1 Properties treated with energy efficiency measure under the HHCRO scheme
Figure A3.1.1 Properties treated with energy efficiency measure under the HHCRO scheme
- Properties treated 2014/15 Properties treated 2015/16 Total
Arun Households 50 14 64
Estimated ECO funding £75,250 £14,042 £89,292
Total West Sussex installs 211 35 246

The Council participated in a Winter Warmth ‘door knocking’ trial during winter 2015/16, in partnership with the West Sussex Fuel Poverty Coordinator and West Sussex Fire & Rescue. WSFRS officers visited 114 properties on one street in a deprived area with mixed housing types and tenures offering a range of services developed for vulnerable households. As a result, 16 referrals were generated to a range of services.

A3.1.2 CREST (Energy Wise South) Insulation Scheme (ECO funded)

Figure A3.1.2: Home insulation delivered in Arun using council endorsed schemes 2015-18
Figure A3.1.2: Home insulation delivered in Arun using council endorsed schemes 2015-18
Year Month No. of properties improved
2015 Nov/Dec 80
2016 January/Feb 45
2016 March/April 8
2016 May/June 7
2016 June/Jul/Aug 22
2016 Sep/Oct 27
2016 Nov/Dec 42
2017 Jan/Feb 31
2017 March/April/May 10
2017 June/July/Aug 27
2017 Sep/Oct 12
2017 Nov/Dec 52
2018 Jan/Feb 42
2018 March/April/May 11
2018 June/Jul 14
Total - 430

A3.1.3 Local Authority Flexible Eligibility Scheme - Delivered by Arun District Council

Figure A3.1.3A Number of declarations made by Local Authority under the two different Statements of Intents
Figure A3.1.3A Number of declarations made by Local Authority under the two different Statements of Intents
District/borough council

SoI Version 1

(June 2018-April 2019)

SoI Version 2

(March 2019 to October 2019)

Total number of declarations made
Arun 5 30 35
Chichester 5 4 9
Mid Sussex 3 3 6
Horsham 6 20 26
Worthing 3 1 4
Crawley 4 4 8
Total 26 62 88
Figure A3.1.3B Types of ECO measures installed in properties by companies utilising LA FLEX by Local Authority area (2018-19 combined)

Key: CWI - Cavity Wall Insulation and LI - Loft Insulation

Figure A3.1.3B Types of ECO measures installed in properties by companies utilising LA FLEX by Local Authority area (2018-19 combined)
District/borough council CWI and LI CWI LI Boiler Total declarations
Arun 8 26 - 1 35
Chichester 2 5 - 2 9
Mid Sussex - 3 2 1 6
Horsham 2 21 2 1 26
Worthing - 1 - 3 4
Crawley - - 3 5 8
Total 12 56 7 13 88

A3.1.4 Arun Safe and Warm Home Grant Scheme

Figure A3.1.4 Number of boiler installs and grants awarded to Arun residents from Arun District Council
Figure A3.1.4 Number of boiler installs and grants awarded to Arun residents from Arun District Council
Period Number of boiler installs Grant funding awarded
Jan 18 - March 18 11 32,311
April 18 - March 19 29 117,684
April 19 - date 21 154,051
Total 61 227,021

A3.1.5 External wall insulation project data

Figure A3.1.5 Number of External wall insulation grants provided and total value
Figure A3.1.5 Number of External wall insulation grants provided and total value.
Sites Location Number interested Grants awarded to date Total grant value per site to date Average grant awarded per park home
Thornlea Court Littlehampton 29 28 157,593 5628
Marigolds Bognor Regis 15 0 tbc tbc
Poplars Bognor Regis 6 0 tbc tbc

A3.2 Technical Innovation Project

Technical Innovation project data - Cost Analysis using gas meter readings and gas bills.

Figure A3.2 Table analysis of gas costs before and after heating controls were installed using bill and meter readings

"Before" period

Figure A3.2 Table analysis of gas costs before and after heating controls were installed using bill and meter readings - "Before" period
Tech Ref Period Days

Total period



£/30 days

Degree days


Degree day

Estimated annual cost
T-01 07/11/14 - 10/05/16 550 27,372 £74.65 3,224 8.49 £859.25
T-06 27/02/15 - 09/05/16 437 16,036 £55.04 2,204 7.28 £736.38
T-07 07/01/15 - 09/05/16 488 15,210 £46.75 2,750 5.53 £559.77
T-15 05/03/15 - 03/03/16 364 13,432 £55.35 1,633 8.23 £832.64
T-17 01/04/15 - 16/05/16 411 11,636 £42.47 1,938 6.00 £607.69
Average Standard TRV - - - - - 7.11 £719.15
T-11 02/09/15 - 23/05/16 264 2,985 £16.96 1,557 1.92 £194.06
Average Evohome - - - - - 1.92 194.06

"After" period with new heating control

Figure A3.2 Table analysis of gas costs before and after heating controls were installed using bill and meter readings - "After" period
Tech Ref Period Days

Total period



£/30 days

Degree days


Degree day

Estimated annual cost Estimated saving
T-01 27/08/16 - 28/03/17 213 12,734 £89.67 1,445 8.81 £891.93 -3.80%
T-06 09/02/17 - 28/03/17 47 1,111 £35.47 356 3.12 £315.61 57.14%
T-07 12/07/16 - 27/03/17 258 8,732 £50.77 1,462 5.97 £604.72 -8.03%
T-15 10/05/16 - 29/03/17 323 15,877 £73.73 1,571 10.11 £1,022.99 -22.86%
T-17 30/05/16 - 29/03/17 303 8,920 £44.16 1,517 5.88 £595.30 2.04%
Average Standard TRV - - - - - 6.78 £686.11 4.90%
T-11 30/05/16 - 28/03/17 302 2,547 £12.65 1,511 1.69 £170.65 12.06%
Average Evohome - - - - - 1.69 £170.65 12.06%

The number and duration of readings varied between properties and between before and after periods at the same property. NEA was able to obtain meter readings for several households by contacting their energy suppliers. Where they were only able to provide estimated readings, these were disregarded in the analysis. Figure 5.1 shows the gas consumption (in kWh) for the ‘before’ and ‘after’ periods and the cost of the gas in £/30 days, using a standard gas price of 5p/kWh.

Properties where data is missing have been omitted from Table 5.1 which results in a comparison of five properties with standard thermostatic radiator valves (TRVs) including one with the Evo home.

The TRVs and Evo home controls were installed at the end of May 2016. Meter readings for the period prior to installation were in the range November 2014 to May 2016. Those used for the post installation period were from the earliest meter reading after the controls were installed to the date of the final interviews in March 2017.

A3.3 Home Energy Visits

A3.3.1 Home Energy Visit data

In Arun District from October 2016-19

  • Supported 675 households
  • Potentially saved residents £33,666
  • Brought in £257,628 of energy efficiency and heating funding
A3.3.2 Home Energy Visits Case Study Background

Mr and Mrs H stopped by an Arun District Council Energy market stand. This was part of an energy efficiency awareness raising event. A Home Energy Visit was booked and at this visit it transpired they had no heating apart from stand-alone plug-in heaters and one expensive electric flame-effect fire. They were both pensioners with disabilities and cared for three of their grandchildren, one of whom also had a long- term condition.


Type of Intervention:HEV left them a form for npower Health Through Warmth. This is a charitable trust which provides heating for those with health conditions. HEV also wrote a covering letter.

Grant arranged to get gas pipes laid up outside the house and up the garden path to the road. They qualified for this scheme by being low income and by living in an area counted as deprived.

Outcomes and feedback

Npower decided to pay the full amount for the gas system to be fitted, which resulted in a fast install and no future pressure on the client to find extra funding. Yorkshire Energy Solutions efficiently oversaw the laying of all the exterior pipe work. The HEV monitored the situation and liaised with the client throughout. The feedback from the family was excellent and they have been helped both in the short and long term.

Short and long term benefits of intervention
Short term Long term
  • New energy efficient heating system/boiler. The total cost of job was in the region of £2k. This was all grant funded.
  • Gas pipework laid outside - value c. £11k.
  • Higher comfort levels, lower cost, better health.
  • Money saving on heating bills/or ability to keep warmer at home.
  • Home Energy Visit to help support further with reducing energy costs.
  • Increase to value of home through having central heating.
A3.3.3 Home Energy Visit feedback

Some of the feedback the home energy visitors have received from Arun residents regarding their experience of the HEV service:

  • Emma was very knowledgeable and thorough. We have no computer and are complete novices in finance or anything technical, so Emma was marvellous and very reassuring. Thank you.
  • We are very grateful to the Wellbeing team, they were very helpful and arranged our new boiler very quickly and with a minimum of fuss. Thank you so much.
  • A special thank you to Emma Pagett who came around to us who was so helpful and to Jo Williamson who put it forward. We find everyone at Wellbeing so helpful and thank Arun for the services.
  • I have always received helpful advice from the home energy visitors over several years
  • Thanks, you so much for the help we received there is no way I could have replaced the boiler on my own. My health is poor, keeping warm is essential.