Bersted Enterprise masterplans
Masterplan of the Salt Box Outline proposal reference BE/102/17/OUT
Masterplan for the approved alternative scheme reference BE/135/18/PL
Planning permission was granted on 8th November 2019 for mixed use development (retail and commercial) on land known as Salt Box Field.
This type of permission is known as a Hybrid, which means that part of the site is approved as a Full application (ready to be constructed).
The other part is approved as an Outline application. The Outline (once approved) will require another application to be submitted with details, known as the Reserved Matters, to be approved before it can be constructed.
The Site Location
The site is situated on the roundabout at the junction of Shripney Road and the A259 Felpham By-Pass known as Charles Purley Way, close to Oldlands Farm and Rolls Royce.
A new access point to the site has been created from this roundabout.
Phasing Plan
The Layout has 2 phases of development for the Full and Outline approvals.
The phasing plan below clearly shows the part of the site that is approved as a Full application and the part that is approved as an Outline (requiring further approval of Reserved Matters).
The Full approval is shown in Blue.
The Outline approval is shown in Orange.
Phase 1 (Full approval) consists of a warehouse/distribution unit with associated offices and parking for commercial & HGV vehicles in unit 2.
Units 4 & 5 will house new Drive-Thru restaurants. Units 6 & 7 are for distribution business which may be subdivided to provide facilities for small businesses. Unit 8 will be a national food store and unit 9 a car showroom.
Phase 2 (Outline approval) consists of 2 distribution warehouses in units 1 & 3. A Reserved Matters application will follow with the details for approval.
Site Layout
The layout plan below shows the site approval details in full.
The development will provide safe access for vehicles, pedestrians & cyclists.
The site will be landscaped with planting around the perimeter.
A large open space area to the north of the site will separate the village of Shripney.
It will also provide space for the local ecology and wildlife.
Bognor Northern Gateway
The current A29 Northern Gateway into Bognor is a distinctive area with the opportunity to create a new major gateway into Bognor Regis town at the new relief road roundabout at Shripney Road.
A new active built frontage to the A29 will be provided with screening for all service yards and commercial buildings.
Trees will be retained where possible to create glimpsed views of the new buildings. A new green corridor will be provided and the existing tree belt will be retained.
A parkland setting with attenuation areas will be created towards the southern edge of the site and a strip of land adjacent to the A29 shall be retained for landscaping, ecological buffers and appropriate tree planting.
The Bognor Regis Relief Road provides direct access between the A29 at Bognor (North-South route) and the A259 at Felpham (East-West route) which by-passes the main Bognor Regis Town Centre.
The roundabout at this junction has been designed to allow the provision of safe access into Salt Box Field and Rowan Park.
Consideration will be given to the provision of vehicular access, parking spaces/facilities for cars, motorbikes, bicycles, turning/loading and unloading of lorries/deliveries and waste storage/collection.
Cycle Shelter
The development also aims to provide safe movement of pedestrians around the site through footways and crossing points, with different materials to demarcate the pedestrian routes.
Existing and proposed bus services will be planned within 400m of the principal entrance to each unit of development.
Flood Risk and Surface Water Drainage
Flood risk at the proposed development has been classed as low to negligible.
A revised drainage strategy was prepared to support the proposed development through the Planning Process.
The drainage strategy follows the hierarchy for sustainable drainage, i.e. infiltration is considered first. The provision of underground tanks will be located under the hard-standings and car parking areas, together with provision of permeable (soak through) paving.
This demonstrates that the proposed development can comply with the requirements of the Government’s National Planning Policy Framework and does not increase the flood risk either to or from the development.
The loss of flood storage as a result of this development will be compensated within the site boundary to ensure the existing flood/flow characteristics of the adjacent watercourse remains the same.
All surface water run-off from the site for all storms up to and including a 1 in 100-year storm event plus 40% climate change will be retained within the site.
Each unit catchment is required to provide sufficient attenuation for their respective plots.
The plan below shows the provision of permeable paving.
Foul water drainage from each unit will be discharged into a new sewer located within the estate roads. Flow will be directed north to a new pumping station to pump it off site via a rising main to the foul sewer manhole in Shripney Road.
An ecological appraisal of the development site has been undertaken, based on the results of a desktop study and extended Phase 1 habitat survey, with reference to previous ecological survey information undertaken at the site.
It established that the site is dominated by low to negligible ecological value, with habitats of the greatest value in the boundary vegetation and features, which will be retained and incorporated into larger ecological buffer areas.
Accordingly, a number of measures and recommendations are set out in order to ensure the suitable protection and enhancement of the retained boundary habitats and associated fauna, whilst planting is proposed at the site which will encourage native species for the benefit of local wildlife resulting in significant ecological enhancement.
Swales provided at the green areas will provide an integral part of the biodiversity strategy and planting of native species will reflect the character of these natural areas.
A range of soft and hard landscape areas are proposed. These include the site boundaries and access from Shripney Road.
The Gateway Corridor will have a mix of native and non-native species to provide a robust green corridor on the approach to Shripney.
Ecology Buffer planting will aim to enhance and protect nature and wildlife and provide access areas to the proximity of sensitive land areas and nature reserve.
Village buffer planting will strengthen the boundary locations and preserve the rural character of Shripney.
Structural planting will be provided along the North and North West boundary of the site in order to consolidate the screening and soften the most sensitive views over the site from Shripney.
Planting of street trees will be away from the edge of the highway to avoid the impact of HGVs, while shaping the street to provide character.
A noise assessment was carried out to ascertain the need for, and likely degree of, mitigation measures required to offer protection in the vicinity of the development against noise.
Building designs
High quality architecture is key to providing attractive buildings for business and integral to the health and well being of employees.
Styles of architecture across the site are aimed to foster modern, flexible and innovative business solutions, while maintaining the identity of each part of the development.
Materials will include colours and finishes consistent with the background and building context to reinforce street legibility, while avoiding the use of bright coloured cladding on large areas to minimise visual impact.
Plan of Commercial building
Buildings will be of high-quality design, simple and robust in form, yet appropriate to suit the function and reflect the use and activity of the building.
Operational chimneys or flues will form an integral part of the architecture of the building.
Plan of Car Showroom building
Main entrances to buildings will be clearly expressed and be identifiable from the public street network.
Plan of Drive-Thru Restaurant
Layout Plan of the Lidl Store relocation (Oldlands Farm)
Layout plan of the approved Rolls Royce Buildings