Council Vision Objectives 2022-2026
Improving the wellbeing of Arun
Overall Aims
A) Promote and support a multi-agency response to tackle the causes of health inequality in Arun's areas of greatest deprivation
B) Champion leisure, culture and the Arts in Arun and encourage our community to embrace healthy and active lifestyles
C) Work with partners to provide advice, support and activities that promote community wellbeing where it will have the greatest impact
How will we achieve this
1) Develop and implement a wellbeing strategy to plan services, resources, amenities, activities, and places to help our community thrive.
2) Prepare an annual community engagement plan to promote healthy and active lifestyles and encourage participation in a wide range of wellbeing activities
3) Work with key partners to ensure that we deliver council wellbeing services that are complementary to their own, rather than duplicate effort
4) Support the NHS Clinical Commissioners to provide primary care medical and dental facilities to meet the growing needs of our community
5) Support the voluntary and community sector to provide services that help the most vulnerable in our community
6) Provide infrastructure that supports wellbeing, e.g. more opportunities for cycling and walking and easily accessible and safe greenspace
7) Support those who are homeless, street homeless or at risk of homelessness in emergency or temporary accommodation to improve health outcomes
Indicators to measure outcomes
Indicator | How to measure |
1) Wellbeing clients satisfaction rating |
90% |
2) Wellbeing clients reporting that one or more of their lifestyle goals has been achieved (3 months after the conclusion of intervention) |
80% |
3) Upgrade to BR Leisure Centre wetside |
Key 2022/23 milestones |
4) Upgrade to Alexandra theatre |
Key 2022/23 milestones |
5) Adopt public art strategy |
Key 2022/23 milestones |
6) Develop and adopt a Wellbeing Strategy and Action Plan |
Key 2022/23 milestones |
7) Agree a statement on the future provision of medical and dental services across the District |
Key 2022/23 milestones |
8) Specific initiatives with partners (Age UK, CAB, Safer Arun Partnership, Artswork, Freedom Leisure etc)? |
Key 2022/23 milestones |
9) Number of council housing fraud cases prevented or properties recovered |
15 |
10) Average length of stay in emergency accommodation - 15 months/64 weeks |
15 months/64 weeks |
11) Average length of stay in emergency accommodation - 3 months/12 weeks |
3 months/12 weeks |
12) % of council homes that are SAP C rating and above |
For social housing aim is to achieve SAP C rating by 2030. We will measure progress year on year. Start with a baseline of the number of properties that are SAP C and above and every year over the course of the corporate plan report the revised |
13) Complete Annual Community Engagement Plan and implement Work Plan to encourage participation completed |
Annual Community Engagement Plan completed and Work Plan implemented |
14) Improve our green spaces |
Number of green spaces improved |
Delivering the right homes in the right places
Overall Aims
A) Provide a mixed housing economy within the district for all, regardless of age or circumstances, where different types of homes are available, and people can choose to rent or buy
B) Maximise opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of homes in the District
C) Support those in our community that need help, providing a safety net where necessary and working with people and organisations to meet different needs
How will we achieve this
1) Support households with complex needs to secure suitable accommodation
2) Maximise the delivery of affordable housing including utilising the council’s own resources and commercial expertise
3) Improve the energy efficiency of homes across all tenures
4) Use our expertise to influence the local housing market, working with the right partners from all sectors, to develop the housing and infrastructure that we need
5) Use the planning system to create great new places and improve our existing places, where new homes meet the needs of current and future generations
6) Ensure the existing housing stock in the district (Private Sector Council owned) is maintained to a high standard
7) Continue to bring empty homes back into use for the benefit of the community
Indicators to measure outcomes
Indicator | How to measure |
1) Number of new affordable homes built or purchased per year (this will include the number of homes delivered through the Housing Revenue Account) |
Number of new homes built |
2) Number of new homes that are suitable for wheelchair users |
Number of new homes that are suitable |
3) Commission reports on 5-year housing supply and Market Absorption and implement recommendations |
Reports commissioned |
4) Satisfaction survey of residents in completed developments (at least 12 months) |
Undertake survey of residents on selected sites |
5) Number of households supported with complex needs |
Number of households supported |
6) Number of empty homes bought back into use |
Number of empty homes bought back into use |
7) Number of Council homes that meet the current statutory minimum standard for housing |
Number of Council homes that meet the required standard |
Supporting our environment to support us
Overall Aims
A) To consider climate change, sustainability, biodiversity and the environment in everything the Council is responsible for and encourage its community and local businesses to do the same
B) Protect and enhance our natural environment
C) Regularly review progress toward Arun's Carbon Neutral Strategy (2022-30) as set out in the annual Climate Action and Biodiversity Work Plan
D) Make low carbon transport including walking, cycling, travel by public transport and electric vehicle easy, convenient and pleasant and a fundamental part of our placemaking
How we will achieve this
1) Develop and implement the Carbon Neutral Strategy and Climate Change and Biodiversity Strategies for the Council and for the wider district through Planning Policy
2) Review the Council's estate and seek to maximise the use of renewable or alternative energy generation, including the installation Electric Vehicle charging Points
3) Engage and incentivise business to commit to working practices which minimise their impact on the environment
4) Support information campaigns that promote carbon reduction and funding opportunities
5) Working with our community improve waste reduction and recycling to meet future targets of 55% recycling by 2025 and 60% by 2030.
6) Ensure that climate change and sustainability is at the heart of all Council services
7) Support the Sussex Bay Project to restore marine, coastal and intertidal habitats to improve the biodiversity and carbon footprints of the district.
Indicator | How to measure |
1) Annual reduction in CO2e |
Year Annual Reduction CO2E (T) 2022-2023 1,961.9 |
2) Achieve Green Flag awards for Council parks |
8 |
3) 3000 trees to be planted per year |
3000 |
4) Inspection of all Arun District Council coastal defence assets |
Completion of an inspection programme at frequency determined by risk, reported annually |
5) % of Council homes that are SAP C rating and above |
For social housing aim is to achieve SAP C rating by 2030. We will measure progress year on year. Start with a baseline of the number of properties that are SAP C and above and every year over the course of the corporate plan report the revised |
6) Adopt biodiversity action plan |
Including any key milestones for 2022/23 |
7) Recruit ecologist to support implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain and create and implement workplan |
Successful recruitment, creation of workplan |
8) Other climate related strategies and milestones for 2022/23 including:
Number of strategies created and milestones achieved |
9) Change committee report template to consider climate change and sustainability |
Reports changed and adhered to |
10) Number of Electric Vehicle Charging points installed |
Number of sockets installed as part of county network within Arun |
11) Number of metres of new cycleway |
Number of metres of cycleway delivered |
Fulfilling Arun's economic potential
Overall Aims
A) Increase opportunities for more high-quality, well-paid employment, encouraging more people to live, work, study and visit Arun
B) Encourage the development of the district as a key tourist destination, supporting and enabling improvements and activities to increase visitor spend
C) Use regeneration opportunities to attract new and relocating businesses to the district
D) Make best use of our natural assets to help drive the economy
How will we achieve this
1) Create the conditions that will support high tech businesses including the creative digital sector and green businesses, reducing the need for the workforce to commute out of the District
2) Use the planning system to set aside sites for larger business growth and support and create employment space for smaller start-ups, using Arun-owned land to stimulate the market
3) Encourage a digital infrastructure that will support businesses and changing ways of working, as well as the needs of local people
4) Work with partners to support a district-wide skills audit, to understand what businesses need and what skills we have in the community. Work with local colleges and the University of Chichester to assist them to run courses that will match local skill needs for those at all stages in their working life
5) Work closely with our towns and other organisations on strategies which support vibrant and attractive town centres
6) Positive and focused promotion of Arun's tourist destinations as more than a 'day trip'
7) Support the delivery of more accommodation for visitors to the district
Indicators to measure outcomes
Indicator | How to measure |
1) Amount (HA) of employment land developed for employment uses |
2 |
2) Number of jobs created |
Number of jobs created |
3) Increase to average wages and household income |
Improvement on previous year |
4) Increase in number of economically active population |
Improvement on previous year |
5) Commission and carry out tourism marketing campaign |
Campaign completed |
6) Increase in number of visitors, length of stay and visitor spend |
Improvement on previous year |
7) Number of new hotel and new holiday accommodation beds provided |
Improvement on previous |
8) Develop business support programme to move to digital and modern ways of working |
Workplan achieved |
9) Review town centre masterplans and support high streets |
Spend of allocations in annual budget |