Boiler Upgrade Scheme - grants available | Latest news


Boiler Upgrade Scheme - grants available

Text: Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS). Image: blue sky and cloud in the background, a small house made of bright green grass, with a wooden door and one square window with four panes, sitting in a bed a grass and buttercupss

The warmer months are the perfect time to take the next step towards a cosier and more energy-efficient home.

The Boiler Upgrade Scheme (BUS) is a government scheme that gives people financial help to replace their existing fossil fuel heating system with cleaner energy.

Homeowners choosing to switch from a fossil-fuel heating system to a heat pump or biomass boiler can apply for up to a £7,500 government contribution towards their installation costs.

For more information on BUS and how to apply visit: Apply for the Boiler Upgrade Scheme: Overview - GOV.UK (

You will find further information on energy efficiency on our website here: Energy efficiency | Arun District Council