Craniosynostosis Awareness
September is craniosynostosis awareness month and we will be lighting up the Civic Centre in purple on the week commencing 18 September, to show our support.
Craniosynostosis is a condition where one or more sutures in the skull are fused prematurely. This condition affects 1 in
2000-3000 babies, who are born with it.
Most children born with craniosynostosis require surgery within the first year and many require more than one surgery to "expand" the skull and make room for their growing brain. The severity of this condition can vary hugely between children and can cause other complications such as learning and speech delays, behavioural problems and epilepsy, to mention just a few.
Please note that not all cases of abnormal shaped skulls are Craniosynostosis, there is also a condition called “flat head syndrome.” It is important if you have concerns about the shape of your child’s skull that you see your GP to identify the cause.
There is a Facebook page that offers support – Cranio ribbons UK
Read more here: Craniosynostosis - NHS (