Rough sleeping support services
Ourselves and our partner agencies have dedicated resources available to offer assistance to those who are rough sleeping within the community.
Through funding obtained from DLUHC (Department of Levelling up Housing and Communities), we have been working hard over the last 5 years to help and accommodate people in the area who have become rough sleepers and wish to access the services available to them.
We have a dedicated outreach team who carry out regular early morning outreach sessions to locate and offer support to those who have been found rough sleeping. The team is responsible for responding to all reports of rough sleepers whether that be via Streetlink referrals, reports from the public or self-reported rough sleeping by clients themselves. They also carry out wide spotlight searches across the whole of the district to enable us to seek anyone who may not have been reported or those who may not be aware of the services available to them.
During the COVID-19 pandemic and the “Everyone in Initiative”, the Rough Sleepers Initiative Team (RSI) was able to aid many clients who would otherwise have been rough sleeping, into accommodation. In addition, the RSI Team continues to work with clients who need assistance to sustain their tenancies or require additional needs, in order to help prevent them from finding themselves in the same situation again.