Council vision and performance
Council Vision
We adopted our new Council Vision for the period 2022 – 2026 at a meeting of the full council in March 2022, this followed public consultation which took place during November and December 2021. The vision was reviewed following local elections and a change in administration in 2023 and the updated version agreed at full council in January 2024.
The role of the district council is to make Arun a better place to live, work and visit as well as delivering public services. The Vision sets out how we plan to achieve this.
It is divided into four key themes, each of which is underpinned by several aims and statements. The areas we will focus on are:
- improving the wellbeing of Arun
- delivering the right homes in the right places
- supporting our environment to support us
- fulfilling Arun’s economic potential
The document not only sets out our goals but will also guide our decision-making up to 2026 and in many cases beyond. Working together, we will build on the good things that we already do and make improvements where things could be better. We not only want Arun to be a great place to live and work, but we also want to create new opportunities and encourage residents and visitors alike to make the most of our natural environment.
You can view the Council Vision 2022 - 2026 here:
Council Vision 2022 to 2026[pdf] 7MB
Council Vision 2022 to 2026 [HTML]
Corporate Plan and Performance Measures 2022 – 2026
We have a number of objectives which we use to measure our performance against the Council Vision. The Vision objectives will be reported to the councillors at the end of the year and the outcomes will then be available on our website. The objectives are here and relate to each of our Vision themes:
Council Vision - objectives 2022 - 2026
In addition to this, we have a number of service performance indicators (KPIs - key performance indicators) which are measured during the year, either quarterly, six-monthly or annually and these will be posted on the website during the year after they have been reviewed at the Policy and Finance Committee.
These performance measures were agreed by the Policy and Finance Committee on 31 March 2022 and by Full Council on 11 May 2022.
Key Performance Indicators Q1 2022-2023[pdf] 216KB
Key Performance Indicators Q2 2022-2023 [pdf] 303KB
Key Performance Indicators Q3 2022-2023[pdf] 250KB
Productivity Plan
In the local government funding settlement for 2024/25, the government required that all councils produce a ‘Productivity Plan’ as part of their plans to focus attention on productivity improvements.
In their letter to chief executives in April 2024, they laid out guidance for the plans to be a short summary of existing and planned initiatives to drive and deliver improvements to productivity.
The content of the plan covers 4 themes:
- Transformation of services to make better use of resources.
- Opportunities to take advantage of advances in technology and make better use of data to inform decision making and service design.
- How the council considers ways to reduce wasteful spend within systems.
- Barriers preventing activity that Government can help to reduce or remove.
Our Corporate Plan and Service Delivery Plan indicators 2018-2022
On 12 February 2018, Cabinet approved the 11 Corporate Plan and 23 Service Delivery Plan (SDP) indicators which will be effective for the four year period from 1 April 2018 until 31 March 2022. These were formally adopted by Full Council on 7 March 2018.