Disclaimer, Copyright and Limitations


We make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information held on this website but cannot accept responsibility for and disclaim all responsibility for any loss or damage which may arise from the use of the information provided.

No responsibility will be taken for any errors or omissions in the planning history information obtained by customers carrying out their own research on our website. Any actions taken as a result of information displayed on the site are undertaken entirely at the viewer’s own risk.

We publish documents that are submitted by applicants as part of planning applications but we have no control over the fact that they may contain links within them to other websites. Please be aware that if you click on a link, you may be taken to sites that are nothing to do with us and that we do not promote or in any way recommend the services or products that these may well be advertising or promoting.


All plans, drawings and material submitted to us when applying for planning permission is protected by the copyright acts (Section 47 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 as amended).

You may only use material which is downloaded or printed for consultation purposes, to compare current applications with previous schemes and to check whether developments have been completed in accordance with approved plans.

Further copies must not be made without the prior permission of the copyright owner, the applicant or their agent. By clicking on the ‘Search planning applications’ button on this page you are agreeing to the above copyright provisions.


The online planning history contained in the site may be incomplete and should not be relied on in connection with a property transaction. Anyone wishing to obtain planning information for this purpose is advised to contact Local Land Charges.

Comments on applications

Comments made on planning applications will be made publicly available. This will include the name and address of the person making the comment. Please only include comments that you are happy for the public to view. Do not include personal information or information from third parties unless you have their permission to do so. If we receive a complaint from the third party, we reserve the right to remove it.

We also have the right to remove offensive, abusive or racist language or anything which is defamatory or breaches legislation. We will also ensure we meet the terms of our privacy policy in respect to personal information.

Ordnance Survey mapping

Ordnance Survey mapping on this site is licensed with the permission of Ordnance Survey on behalf of the controller of Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Unauthorised reproduction of mapping infringes crown copyright and may lead to prosecution or civil proceedings.