Arun District ‘call for sites’ | Latest news


Arun District ‘call for sites’

Arun District ‘call for sites’

Call for sites


Arun District Council is currently undertaking an update of the Arun Local Plan which was adopted in July 2018. The Council is also preparing other planning policy documents, which will allocate land for housing development including a Gypsy and Traveller Development Plan Document (DPD). Such documents are complex to prepare and require an extensive evidence base to support them.

Government planning policy and guidance requires the council to look at potential housing and employment land sites on a regular basis as part of the preparation and review of our Local Plan evidence. This work is known as the Housing and Economic Land Availability Assessment (HELAA)

The HELAA is a technical and theoretical database of sites which have been identified and assessed for their potential to accommodate future housing or economic development. It forms an important part of the Council’s evidence for the identification of a sufficient supply of housing sites. The inclusion of sites in a HELAA should not be seen as an intention to allocate these sites for development, or that planning permission will be granted.

As part of this, the Council is undertaking a ‘call for sites’ exercise that provides the opportunity for individuals and organisations to suggest sites they think have the potential to be developed for housing or economic uses. Residential sites should be able to accommodate 5 or more additional new dwellings. We are particularly interested to know if you are planning to develop the land within the next 5 years or in the longer term (6-10, 11-15 or 16+ years from April 2021).


The Call for Sites will run from 2 June to 7 July 2021.

If you would like to submit details of any new sites or provide any update on an existing site for assessment in the HELAA, please complete our online form. The form and guidance note to help you complete it can be found on the council’s website ( You do not have to own a site in order to suggest it for development. However, you will need to provide us with the landowner’s details so that we can contact them. We also ask that you speak to the landowner before submitting details of the site.

Further information regarding the HELAA and the ‘call for sites’ process and how to submit a site can be found on the Council’s website:

If you have any questions regarding this process, please do not hesitate to contact the Planning Policy and Conservation Team at: