October 2023
The renovated Sunken Gardens officially opened earlier this year to a positive response from residents. Wild animals of all shapes and sizes have taken up residence thanks to local wood sculptor Simon Groves.
The skilled chainsaw artist was tasked with creating the sculptures and a poll was created so that the public could choose which animals they would like to see, and the winners were a badger, a fox, a seal, a starfish – and three rabbits.
Simon, who works from a studio in the South Downs crafted the sculptures from sustainably sourced wood, to form part of a nature trail for children.
The project, delivered by Blakedown Landscapes, includes a revamped play area, offering an inclusive roundabout, in-ground trampoline and a basket swing. There is also a new southern entrance with new planting, a sensory area with wildflowers and new footpaths and benches.
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May 2023
The improvement works are almost complete and the gardens will soon be re-opened for the public to enjoy. The recently laid wildflower turf is already starting to bloom, and new shrub planting is being laid out around the play area and main gardens. Temporary fencing will protect the planting while this establishes. Planting for the central bed in memory of Kim Davis will be completed at a later date. Our officers are working with the Bognor Regis Community Gardeners and Kim’s family on plans for this.
The tarmac footpath works are complete and the final stage will see brightly coloured safety surfacing laid in the play area. The contractor is aiming to reopen the main gardens soon and the opening of the play area will follow. The newly installed equipment needs to be checked by an external safety inspector before this can happen.
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The contractor is working to co-ordinate the final phase of the project. Installation of the equipment in the play area is nearing completion and the laying of new colourful safety surfacing within the play area will take place, once the new play fence installation is complete. The refurbishment of the existing footpaths and wall repairs will then be finished off and the beds around the gardens are being prepared for planting.
Wildflower turf has been laid on mounds on the eastern side, as part of the sensory gardens. The mounds have been formed from soil excavated from other parts of the site and low fertility topsoil has been used to help prevent the meadows being dominated by grasses and weeds. Spring flowering bulbs will be planted in the autumn to extend the period of interest and provide nectar for insects. The meadow will be cut down at the end of every summer so it can start afresh the following year. This helps reduce the fertility and keeps the meadow healthy.
Timber animal sculptures will be installed in the sensory gardens in the summer, as part of a trail for children.
Results of a public poll on Facebook to see which 5 sculptures people want to see created are listed below:
- Fox
- Rabbit
- Seal
- Badger
- Star Fish
Simon Groves, local sculpture artist, has been asked to create the timber animals.
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January 2023
Blakedown Landscapes commenced their work at the Sunken Gardens on 9 January 2023. With the site completely secured with fencing their first focus has been on opening up the new southern entrance.
In spite of the recent cold weather Blakedown have made great progress with forming the correct levels for the ramped footpaths and grading soil in the adjacent shrub beds. Two low sections of stone wall have been reconstructed as these were found to be sitting on top of steps identified for removal.
Benches from the lower section of the gardens have been removed for refurbishment and new benches have been ordered for the upper areas. The contractor has also undertaken clearance works in other parts of the site in preparation for the next stage of the project. As much material as possible is being reused on site to minimise waste.
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December 2022
Blakedown Landscapes SE Ltd. has been appointed as the contractor for the Sunken Gardens project and is due to commence the works week commencing 9 January 2023. Blakedown will generally be working between the hours of 8:00am - 4:30pm Monday to Friday, with the project expected to take approximately 4 months to complete.
The contractors will be accessing the site from Hothamton car park and will have a small compound located north of the play area. The early works will require the whole site to be closed to the public but as different areas are completed, they will be reopened.
17 November 2022
Funding boost for Sunken Gardens renovation project
10 March 2022
Phase 1: Tree works March 2022
- routine maintenance of trees in poor condition
- encourage the better quality trees to flourish
- to manage existing trees, open up views and improve the sense of security
- embrace opportunities to establish new planting for the future
Next phase: main works summer 2022
11 February 2022
Sunken Gardens public consultation results revealed