Activating a disc stay on the MiPermit App

To watch the video in full screen mode please visit our YouTube channel.

When you own a virtual parking disc, you need to activate each stay using the MiPermit app. We have provided instructions on how to do this in our video as well as written instructions below.
There are screenshots showing each stage, which you can view in full size by selecting the thumbnails.

Image of the Mipermit mobile app. A capital P in a green background is shown over a street map backdrop 1. Open up the MiPermit app



The image shows the menu screen open after clicking the three horizontal bars 2. Select the three horizontal lines at the top left to open the menu. Select 'Pay to Park' or go to 'nearest' on the homepage if already parked.


Image shows the Mipermit app after clicking the nearest button. Car parks beginning 813 are shown  3. Find and select the correct car park the vehicle is parked in. For disc parking the number will begin with 813, the full location codes for each car park can be found at the bottom of the page.



image of the mipermit app after a car park has been selected. An arrow points to the Pay to Park button, which is green 4. Select pay to park




image showing the Mipermit app. A car park has been selected and this screen needs the registration and start time to be entered 5. Select the correct registration and when the disc parking should begin; immediately is set automatically.



Image shows Mipermit app. It has given two hours free and you then need to select the continue button, which is green and indicated with an arrow in the image 6. Select the duration. 2 hours will be free and you can pay for additional hours if needed. Select continue.




The image shows the confirmation screen with car park, registration, date and time 7. Check the details and if correct select create stay



The image shows the Mipermit app open at the screen named current. An arrow points to a circle containing information about the confirmed stay  8. Selecting 'Current' on the Mipermit app homepage shows your current stay. The countdown shows the remaining duration.


MiPermit codes for 2 hours parking disc activations

Bognor Regis

  • Lyon Street: 813509
  • Fitzleet: 813510
  • Hothamton: 813511


  • Manor House: 813508
  • Anchor springs: 813506
  • St Martins: 813507