Fontwell Meadows

Development is underway on this site and will provide 400 dwellings out of which 120 will be affordable units. Residential development is being constructed by Dandara.

Outline application WA/22/15/OUT is approved

Reserved Matters application WA/48/19/RES is approved

Latest news:

February 2024

  • the Public Open Space and MUGA has been opened to the public

May 2021: 

  • work has resumed on the housing development

April 2021:

  • a Temporary Stop Notice was issued on 9 April 2021 to the housing developers, Dandara, for commencing work without all pre-commencement conditions being discharged

May 2019:

Reserved Matters

Applications covering appearance, landscaping, layout & scale. Outline permissions cannot be implemented until a reserved matters application has been granted planning permission.

Arboricultural Method Statement and Tree Protection Plan

An Arboricultural Method Statement (AMS) outlines the working methods for construction workers to follow and adhere to during development. The Tree Protection Plan (TPP) forms part of the Arboricultural Method Statement and details the location of protection measures, such as the position of tree protection fencing. The following plans have been submitted:

Construction Management Plan

A construction management plan is a document that includes detailed information designed to minimise potential construction impacts on the environment considering logistics, traffic management and other impacts. The following plans have been submitted:

Useful information

Permitted hours

During the construction phase no machinery/vehicles or plant shall be operated on the site, no process shall be carried out and no deliveries taken at or dispatched except between the hours of:

  • 8am and 6pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive
  • 8am and 1pm on Saturdays
  • not at any time on Sundays or Public Holidays

Permitted development restrictions

Permitted development rights are provided by the Town and Country Planning      (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 (the GPDO). This allows certain types of development to proceed without the need for planning permission. However local planning authorities are allowed to remove permitted development rights in some or all of its area by issuing an Article 4 Direction; or remove those rights on the original, or any subsequent, planning permission for the house. Where permitted development rights have been removed in either of these ways a planning application will be needed for development. The following conditions have been imposed:

  • condition 4 under WA/48/19/RES: “Notwithstanding the provisions of Class A within Part 1 of Schedule 2 of the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order, 2015 (or any Order revoking or re-enacting this Order) no extension shall be erected beyond the rear wall of the dwelling houses hereby permitted unless planning permission is first granted by the Local Planning Authority on an application in that  behalf”

Archive news

Previous planning application news for this site is as follows:

  • no previous news is available


Fontwell Meadows site layout (land to the east of Fontwell Avenue)

Please click on the image below to enlarge.

Fontwell meadows site layout plan

Alternative text: a map of Fontwell Meadows development site. This shows the proposed layout of houses, open spaces, LAP, LEAP and MUGA play areas. The majority of open space is located on the northern edge of the development, including the play areas.

Please note the masterplan above is for illustrative purposes only and details are subject to change.


The Infrastructure Funding Statement (IFS) provides an update on all matters regarding developer contributions Section 106 (S.106) and Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) during the previous financial year.

Our first IFS was published in September 2020 to cover the period from April 2019 to 31 March 2020. Please see our current IFS statement.

We collect all CIL contributions for all types of Infrastructure (from 1 April 2020) but we do not collect S.106 contributions for the provision of schools, highways, libraries or the fire service (although, in some cases, S.106 for these items are retained for these projects, in agreement with the county council). In most cases, these items are the responsibility of West Sussex County Council (WSCC). Therefore our IFS should be read in conjunction with the WSCC IFS to identify how S.106 from specific development sites has been spent across the board.   

If you wish to contact us regarding any of the strategic sites, please