
The Arun Local Plan 2011-2031 identifies the Ford strategic allocation, under policy H SP2c (SD8), as providing at least 1,500 dwellings over the plan period.

Developments must take into account sustainable transport links for all modes of transport between Ford Railway Station and Littlehampton/Arundel Cycleway. They must also provide a new secondary school in Arun, a community hub to meet identified local needs of retail, commercial and community facilities and provision of new healthcare facilities/or expansion of existing facilities for Ford, Yapton and Climping.

Two new sports pitches and changing facilities are to be incorporated into the plan and serve the east of the district. Improvements to the A259 between Climping and Littlehampton must be included within the development whilst incorporating the following: planned new employment provisions, historic alignment of the old canal, maintaining a visual separation between Ford & Yapton and Climping & Ford within the layout/landscaped open space of the development and take into account the siting of the Ford Wastewater Treatment Works.

Below are the residential and commercial components of the strategic site in Ford: