Housing Procurement
Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)
We have established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) for purchases required for housing works across our Assets estate. We currently spend around £7.5M per annum on repairs and maintenance to the domestic housing stock of around 3,500 properties from bungalows and houses to blocks of flats and larger schemes. The DPS allows us to comply with our procurement obligations whilst running targeted tenders for short term requirements, allowing us to work with the market to deliver flexible and effective services, cost effectively.
Procurement for Housing Repairs, Maintenance and Inspection Services Contracts
Information on the requirements of Housing Repairs, Maintenance and Inspection Services include but are not limited to the following types of repairs, maintenance and inspection services:
- responsive repairs
- refurbishment
- emergency repairs
- minor works
- intermediate works
- repairs and maintenance
- inspection services
- specification services
- call centre services
- estate services contracts
DPS Categories & Specialism
The DPS is split into 12 different categories with multiple specialisms.