Housing Procurement

Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS)

We have established a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) under the Public Contracts Regulations (2015) for purchases required for housing works across our Assets estate. We currently spend around £7.5M per annum on repairs and maintenance to the domestic housing stock of around 3,500 properties from bungalows and houses to blocks of flats and larger schemes. The DPS allows us to comply with our procurement obligations whilst running targeted tenders for short term requirements, allowing us to work with the market to deliver flexible and effective services, cost effectively. 

Procurement for Housing Repairs, Maintenance and Inspection Services Contracts

Information on the requirements of Housing Repairs, Maintenance and Inspection Services include but are not limited to the following types of repairs, maintenance and inspection services:

  • responsive repairs  
  • refurbishment 
  • emergency repairs 
  • minor works 
  • intermediate works 
  • repairs and maintenance 
  • inspection services 
  • specification services 
  • call centre services 
  • estate services contracts 

DPS Categories & Specialism 

The DPS is split into 12 different categories with multiple specialisms.

Categories 1 to 12

Category 1

Compliance Inspections Services and Works 
Specialisms: Fire, Water & Asbestos  

Category 2

Electrical Services 
Specialisms: Communal and Safety Systems, Domestic Services, Commercial Services, Heating and Ventilation Services and Photovoltaics and Heat Pump installation Work

Category 3

Heating Services (Non-Electrical)
Specialisms: Domestic Gas Heating, Domestic Solid Fuel/Oil Heating & Commercial Gas Heating 

Category 4

Roofing and Roofline Works
Specialisms: Domestic Roofs and Roofline Works and Block Roofs and Roofline Works 

Category 5

Plumbing and Drainage Works
Specialisms: Plumbing Works and Drainage Works

Category 6 

Lift Works
Specialisms: Stair Lift Inspections and Servicing, Through Floor Lift Inspections and Servicing and Passenger Lift Inspections and Maintenance 

Category 7

Cyclical Services
Specialisms: Decorating Services and Gutter Cleaning Services

Category 8

Clearance, Cleaning and Estate Services
Specialisms: Clearance and Cleaning Services and Estate and Grounds Services

Category 9

External Construction Works
Specialisms: General Works, Scaffolding Services and External Energy Efficiency Works

Category 10 

Internal Construction Works
Specialisms: Doors and Window Replacements, Kitchen and Bathroom Replacements, General Repairs, Specialist Services and Internal Energy Efficiency Works 

Category 11

Technical and Specialist Services
Specialisms: Clerk of Works Services, Construction Programme Manager, Surveying Services, Damp & Mould Surveying Services, EPC Assessment Services and PAS 2035 Retrofit Services   

Category 12

Call Centre and Tenant Liaison Services
Specialisms: None 

Suppliers must be approved on at least one of the categories to be approved on the DPS. The categories include optional specialisms, however, you must be approved on at least one specialism to be approved on a given category. Only suppliers approved on a given category and/or specialism will be invited to mini-competition tendering opportunities published via the DPS. 

Full Details of the requirements and scope of services can be found on In-tend, within the Specification (Appendix 1). 

How to access the Tender Documents and Apply to join the DPS

To view and bid for any new or retendered housing contracts let under the DPS, suppliers must be approved on the DPS. To join the DPS please follow the steps below.

Step 1:

Go to the In-Tend website and register or log in, click 'Tenders', click 'Current'' and search for the code '036063', click View Details, and click 'Express Interest'.

Step 2:

Complete and submit the online selection questionnaire, ensuring you follow all related guidance. 

The online questionnaire provides us with all the details needed about your organisation to confirm whether it meets the required minimum standards as set out in the DPS ITT incorporating SQ Guidance. 

Please ensure you read the Guidance before submitting your questionnaire. 

Your application will be assessed against the DPS onboarding criteria, as set out in the DPS ITT incorporating SQ Guidance. Applications will be evaluated within 10 working days. Please monitor your In-tend correspondence in case we have any additional queries for you to answer. 

Step 3:

If you meet our minimum DPS onboarding criteria, we will issue you an outcome letter and supplier DPS Agreement. 

You can re-apply to join the DPS again if your initial application was unsuccessful. A letter will be issued to you via In-tend correspondence with a summary of your application. 

DPS Suppliers 

Please see below a list of our successful DPS suppliers.

Supplier Category List [xlsx] 41KB

This list is updated every quarter. 

An accepted supplier means that, at the time of application to join the DPS, the supplier met the minimum standards required to be accepted onto the DPS and committed to meet the additional standards required to operate a contract, in the event that a call off contract following mini competition is awarded to them. We monitor the suppliers' compliance with the minimum standards during the life of the DPS, but being on the DPS Accepted Supplier list is not an endorsement of a supplier and should not be used as a method for verifying a supplier's professional & business standing. It is recommended that individuals and organisations carry out their own checks directly with the company to ensure that they meet their requirements

Awarded Contracts  

All call off contracts awarded via the DPS will be published on the gov.uk Contracts Finder website page as required.