Arun District Council votes unanimously in A27 motion | Latest news


Arun District Council votes unanimously in A27 motion

Arun District Council votes unanimously in A27 motion


Highways England Cllr Ricky Bower, proposed the motion, which had been received from the Conservative Party. During the meeting Cllr Dr Walsh proposed an amendment to the original motion, which Cllr Bower and Cllr Charles supported. There was a recorded vote, which was unanimous.

The amended motion states; ‘Arun District Council calls on the South Downs National Park Authority to cease pursuing a Judicial Review of the Highways England decision to recommend to the Department of Transport modified route 5a as the preferred route for the A27 (Arundel By Pass) and for the SDNPA to work constructively with the elected local authorities effected to deliver the environmental quality and traffic flow improvements for the wider benefit of the local economy that will follow throughout West Sussex coastal and the South Downs areas at the earliest deliverable moment.’

Cllr Ricky Bower said “I am delighted that the decision taken at the Full Council, by those able to vote on this matter, was a decision that all Councillors have come together to support.”