Did you respond to your Annual Canvass letter? | Latest news


Did you respond to your Annual Canvass letter?

Earlier in the year we issued the Annual Canvass letters. The date for responding to those letters has now passed.

Not everyone needed to respond, and you can check your letter to see if a response was required. If it was and we haven’t heard from you, we will be in contact soon. 

You may hear from us via email, telephone or face to face from one of our personal canvassers.

If we have a contact number we will be making calls to people. If not, one of our personal canvassers may call at your address.  All our personal canvassers will have an ID badge and a letter from the council which they will be happy to show you. Please make sure you check if you are unsure.

We will never ask for any financial details nor ask for a payment of any kind, so please do not give this information.

If we can’t visit or call, we will send you a reminder form.

If you have any questions about the Annual Canvass or need to check the identity of one of our canvassers, please contact us via email at canvassresponse@arun.gov.uk or call 01903 737616.