Look after our local beaches and sand dunes | Latest news


Look after our local beaches and sand dunes

Text: Protecting West Beach sand dunes - A site of Scientific Interest (SSSI) - images of a snakes, seabirds, a plant and a yellow flower

As we start another bank holiday weekend, a reminder to us all about the importance of keeping our beaches and green spaces clean.

Remember to dispose of your rubbish properly, preferably take it home, especially if bins are full, and please do not have a BBQ on the beach – it is not permitted, and we must protect our environment. Have a delicious picnic instead! 

Read more: BBQs and fires - not permitted on our beaches! | Latest news | Arun District Council

We are excited to announce that this weekend, at West Beach, Littlehampton, the sand dunes will be part of a world record attempt by Graeme Lyons and David Green. They aim to identify 1,500 species in 24 hours and have chosen our rich and diverse dunes as one of their survey sites. They have full permission to be there.

People may see them at West Beach over the weekend, moving quickly with what looks like a vacuum – this is their method for finding tiny insects.

Read more here: The Lyons Share (analternativenaturalhistoryofsussex.blogspot.com)