Other discounts

There are a number of other discounts and exemptions you may be eligible for.

Discounts relating to a person

Second adult rebate

You may be entitled to second adult rebate if both of the following apply:

  • you have reached the age to qualify for state pension credits
  • you are unable to claim single resident discount due to living with an adult who cannot contribute towards Council Tax

A second adult must:

  • not be your husband, wife, partner or civil partner
  • not be jointly liable for Council Tax
  • not qualify for any other Council Tax discount
  • not pay rent to live in your home

Please note that second adult rebate is not available if you are of working age.

Apply for the second adult rebate

Persons serving a prison sentence on remand or detained under the Mental Health Act 1983

There is a Council Tax exemption/discount for homes that are empty because the occupier is in prison or detained for mental health or immigration reasons. 

Apply for a prisoner or detained person discount 

Young adults under 20

Over 18 and receiving Child Benefit 

You may be able to claim a discount if someone you live with is over 18 but you are still in receipt of Child Benefit for them

Apply for the 18+ child benefit discount 

School leavers under 20

You may be eligible for a discount if you or someone you live with is under 20 and left further education after 30 April. The discount will be given for the time between the course end and 31 October even if you/they start work during this time.

Apply for the school leaver discount


You may be eligible for a 25% discount if you or someone who lives with you is an apprentice.

 If there are only apprentices and trainees at a property there is a 50% discount. 

Who counts as an apprentice

Someone who is:

  • employed for learning a trade business or profession
  • undertaking a programme of training leading to an accredited qualification; and
  • receiving a salary or allowance (or both) of no more than £195 a week before tax and insurance

We will ask to see a copy of the apprenticeship agreement.

Apply for the apprentice discount 

Youth training

You may be eligible for a 25% discount if you or someone who lives with you is a youth trainee.

If there are only apprentices and trainees at a property there is a 50% discount. 

Who counts as a youth trainee

Someone who is under 25 who has an individual training plan funded by the Skills Funding Agency or Young People's Learning Agency.

We will ask to see some evidence of a training plan.

Apply for the youth trainee discount 

Members of a religious community

You may be able to claim a Council Tax discount if you are a member of a religious community, for example if you are a monk or nun. 

Apply for the religious community exemption

Armed forces and diplomats

There are Council Tax exemptions for:

  • UK armed forces accommodation
  • visiting armed forces accommodation
  • foreign diplomat accommodation

Contact us about these exemptions

Exemptions on a property

Patients resident in an NHS hospital

This discount is for hospitals that have a liability to pay Council Tax and is not for the homes of persons who live in hospitals.

If you are applying on behalf of a long stay hospital which has Council Tax liability please contact us. 


Family annexes

You may qualify for a 50% reduction if you live in an annexe.

The annexe must be:

  • within the grounds of the main house
  • included in the title deeds
  • registered or banded separately for Council Tax
  • used by the resident of the main house as part of their main home or lived in by a relative of the person who lives in the main house

The relative must be a partner, parent, child, step child, grandparent, grandchild, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, nephew or niece.

Apply for an annexe discount 

We will give a 100% exemption if the annexe is lived in by a relation of the main house who is over 65 or mentally impaired. 

Apply for an annexe exemption 


Empty annexes

An exemption that applies to annexes which are part of or within the grounds of the owner or tenant’s home. The annexe may not be rented separately without breaching planning permissions.

Apply for an empty annexe exemption 

Any other discount or exemption you may be entitled to

If you believe that you or someone you live with is entitled to a discount or exemption that is not listed then please contact us for further help.

You’ll need to give us your account number.

Contact us for more assistance on other discounts