The records of public question time for each committee will now be found on each committee meeting page (the same place you find the agenda) and will be uploaded after the meeting.

The table of questions on this page will now just hold an archive of questions asked (as far back as the last 6 years).

Public question time

At Arun, we believe our committee meetings should be as open and accessible as possible. There is a 15-minute Public Question Time (PQT) at the start of each meeting which you can attend and put your question/s to elected councillors.  Meetings start at 6pm with the exception of the Licensing Committee that starts at 10am.

Most of our meetings are held at the Arun Civic Centre at Littlehampton, but this is not always the case and you should check the meeting location on the agenda in advance of the meeting you are interested in attending.

Please note that although members of the public are welcome to attend the Planning Committee and any Sub-Committee meetings within the constitutional procedure rules there is not an opportunity for public questions to be asked.

There is a separate public speaking process for applications before the Planning Committee. If you wish to speak at a Planning Committee meeting you are required to register your request, and this must be done before 9am on the Monday before the meeting is scheduled to take place. To register to speak please call 01903 737512. A list of people will be prepared on a first come, first served basis, up to the maximum allowed by the constitutional procedure rules.

How can you ask your question?

You must give written notice of your question which should be sent to  5 working days before the date the meeting is scheduled to take place.  

You are required to provide the following information within your email;

  • your name
  • address
  • email address
  • contact number  
  • your specific question (please note that this is to be a question and not a statement)
  • state if you wish to ask your question yourself or have a member of the committee services team, ask it on your behalf

This is in case we need to contact you before the meeting or to follow up in writing with a more detailed answer after the meeting. 

Questions will be dealt with on a 'first come, first served' basis. For Full Council meetings no more than two valid questions will be accepted from one member of the public (or their household) at one single meeting. This restriction does not apply to Committee Meetings .  If you have multiple questions you may ask one question at a time and you will be allowed a maximum of 1 minute to ask your question.  For supplementary questions, these will only be allowed at the chair’s absolute discretion. The supplementary question must arise directly out of the original question or the reply that was given and shall be limited to 1-minutes duration. The time limit for public questions will be 15-minutes, however the chair has discretion to extend this period. If the 15-minutes of PQT runs out and is not extended, written answers will be provided to any further questions remaining unanswered.

Questions may be rejected by the chief executive/chair if they:

  • are not relevant to matters for which the council has responsibility, or which affect the district; or
  • may be defamatory, frivolous or offensive; or
  • are substantially the same as a question put at a meeting in the past six months; or
  • relate to specific live planning applications or general planning decision upon action under the Planning Acts
  • relate to situations in which the committee acts like a court of law eg in considering licensing matters as those matters are addressed through individual legal processes and through the courts;
  • relate to matters within the various categories of exempt information shown in Schedule 12A to the Local Government Act 1972 (details of which are set out below):
    • (a) information relating to any individual
    • (b) information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.
    • (c) information relating to the financial or business affairs  of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)
    • (d) information relating to any consultations or negotiations or contemplated consultation or negotiations, in connection with any labour relations matter arising between the authority of a Member of the Crown and employees of, or office holders under, the authority
    • (e) information in respect of which a claim of legal professional privilege could be maintained in legal proceedings
    • (f) information which reveals the authority proposes:
      • to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or
      • to make an order or direction under any enactment
    • (g) information relating to any action taken or to be taken in connection with the prevention, investigation or prosecution or crime

How can I see the record of questions asked?

You can view the questions submitted and answers given in Public Question Time at Full Council and Cabinet meetings held within the last 6 years.

For questions submitted and answers provided from 19 May 2021 onwards, these can be viewed on the relevant Committee web page as a supplement.

This information will be published within 10 working days of the date of the meeting.

Record Of Questions
Schedule of Questions and Answers                        
Full Council PQT 17 March 2021[pdf] 232KB
Full Council PQT 17 February 2021[pdf] 147KB
Full Council PQT 13 January 2021[pdf] 415KB
Cabinet PQT 16 November 2020[pdf] 239KB
Full Council PQT 11 November 2020[pdf] 226KB
Cabinet PQT 21 September 2020[pdf] 218KB
Full Council PQT 16 September 2020[pdf] 378KB
Full Council PQT 15 July 2020[pdf] 313KB
Cabinet PQT 9 March 2020[pdf] 213KB
Special Council Meeting PQT 19 February 2020[pdf] 218KB
Cabinet PQT 10 February 2020[pdf] 239KB
Full Council PQT 15 January 2020[pdf] 219KB
Cabinet PQT 13 January 2020[pdf] 219KB
Cabinet PQT 9 December 2019[pdf] 220KB
Full Council PQT 13 November 2019[pdf] 221KB
Special Council Meeting PQT 10 October 2019[pdf] 324KB
Cabinet PQT 7 October 2019[pdf] 220KB
Full Council PQT 18 September 2019[pdf] 287KB
Full Council PQT 17 July 2019[pdf] 217KB
Cabinet PQT 8 July 2019[pdf] 220KB
Special Council Meeting PQT 20 February 2019[pdf] 36KB
Cabinet PQT 12 November 2018[26KB
Full Council PQT 7 November 2018 [pdf] 35KB
Cabinet PQT 15 October 2018[pdf] 87KB
Full Council PQT 12 September 2018[pdf] 46KB

For more information please contact the Committee Services Team at Arun Civic Centre (address below), call 01903 737614/737611 or email: