Updates, Guides and Information


A number of plans that have reached pre-submission publicity stage or beyond can be found on Pinterest.com's neighbourhood planning pagesThese are quite useful to see the use of maps/colour etc to make plans engaging. Via the links it is also possible to get to the various submission documents so groups can see what others have included in their basic conditions statement etc. Plans for Eden, Thame and Exeter St James are all on the above link - as these have been through all stages you may find this material particularly helpful.


DCLG updates

DCLG Neighbourhood Planning website


DCLG Notes on Neighbourhood Planning

These updates are aimed primarily at areas that have embarked on neighbourhood planning, including the “frontrunner” areas. They may be of interest to all who are doing or thinking about neighbourhood planning.

Notes on neighbourhood Planning edition 19 [pdf] 1MB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 18 [pdf] 508KB
Notes on Neighbourhood planning edition 17 [pdf] 1MB
Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 16 [pdf] 4MB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 15. [pdf] 709KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 14. [pdf] 991KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 13 [pdf] 743KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 12 [pdf] 537KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 11 [pdf] 929KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 10 [pdf] 904KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 9 [pdf] 393KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 8 [pdf] 639KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 7 [pdf] 659KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 6 [pdf] 476KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 5 [pdf] 812KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 4 [pdf] 208KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 3 [pdf] 1MB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 2 [pdf] 196KB

Notes on neighbourhood planning edition 1 [pdf] 291KB


Latest Government guidance on Neighbourhood Planning

The government is launching its national planning practice guidance as a new  online resource . The user friendly format will make planning guidance more accessible and easier to keep up to date.  The new tool is currently available in test mode and is open for comment. Please have a look and share your thoughts, particularly on the Neighbourhood Planning section.  As this is a test site, none of the current planning practice guidance will be cancelled until the final online guidance is in place and live later in the autumn.  The new and easy to use web pages of advice set out guidance on a range of issues including:

  • new neighbourhood planning guidance to help more communities start their own plans
  • new local green space guidance to help councils and local communities to plan for open space and protect local green spaces which are special to them
  • a new affordability test for determining how many homes should be built
  • housing for older people

The Supporting Communities and Neighbourhoods in Planning Programme helps local groups develop neighbourhood plans.

The My Community Rights website features a programme of support to help communities produce neighbourhood plans as well as grant funding opportunities.

Locality, along with our partners, including the  Royal Town Planning Institute , are delivering funding and support.  Locality has produced a guide to help groups navigate the world of neighbourhood planning called The Neighbourhood Planning Roadmap Guide as well as a quick guide to act as an overview of the process.


ADC Neighbourhood plans status update

ADC update on NDP Apr 2017.pdf [pdf] 485KB

Where applicable, Neighbourhood Development Plan’s (more commonly known as a neighbourhood plan or NDP), once made by Arun District Council, will form part of the statutory local development plan for the relevant designated neighbourhood area and policies within them will be considered in determining planning applications. Made NDP policies will be considered alongside other development plan documents including Arun District Council’s Local Plan. Whilst an NDP is under preparation it will afford little weight in the determination of planning applications. Its status will however gain more weight as a material consideration the closer it is towards being made. Arun District Council will make reference to an NDP when it has, by the close of planning application consultation, been publicised for pre-submission consultation(Reg.14).



Pagham Neighbourhood Plan withdrawn from examination

We would like to inform you that upon careful review of the Pagham Neighbourhood Plan, Pagham Parish Council and Arun District Council have decided to withdraw the Plan from the Examination process at this stage.  It is felt that the Plan could be made more robust by producing some further detailed studies and as such the Natural England Reg.16 representation also affirms this.  We will inform you of the revised timetable for the Plan as soon as is practical. 


The East Preston Neighbourhood Development Plan has successfully passed examination

On 30th September 2014 the Council received the Examiner's report on the East Preston Neighbourhood Development Plan. The examiner’s report concludes that subject to the modifications in the report, the Plan should proceed to referendum.  This is the ninth successful NDP examination in Arun District. The Examiner's report is available to view East Preston Examiners Report.pdf [pdf] 354KB


The Rustington Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014-2029 has successfully passed examination

On 7th September 2014 the Council received the Examiner's report on the Rustington Neighbourhood Development Plan. The examiner’s report concludes that subject to the modifications in the report, the Plan should proceed to referendum. This is the seventh successful NDP examination in Arun District. The Examiner's report is available to view  Rustington - Examiner Report.pdf [pdf] 127KB


The Ferring Neighbourhood Development Plan and the 3no. Ferring CRTBO’s have successfully passed examination

This is the seventh successful NDP examination in the Arun district and the first successful CRTBO’s in Arun and Sussex. The Examiner's report is available to view on the  Ferring Neighbourhood Plan page. 


The Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014-2029 has successfully passed examination

On 14th August 2014 the Council received the Examiner's report on the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan. The examiner’s report concludes that subject to the modifications in the report, the Plan should proceed to referendum. This is the sixth successful NDP examination in Arun District.  The Examiner's report is available to view  Yapton Neighbourhood Plan - Report By Independent Examiner (August 2014).pdf [pdf] 938KB


The Bersted Neighbourhood Development Plan 2014-2029 has successfully passed examination

On 25th July 2014 the Council received the Examiner's report on the Bersted Neighbourhood Development Plan. The examiner’s report concludes that subject to the modifications in the report, the Plan should proceed to referendum. This is the fifth successful NDP examination in Arun District. The Examiner's report is available to view Bersted Examiners Report.pdf [pdf] 155KB

The Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan 2013-2029 has successfully passed examination

On 7th May 2014 the Council received the Examiner's report on the Barnham and Eastergate Neighbourhood Development Plan. The examiner’s report concludes that subject to the modifications in the report, the Plan should proceed to referendum. This is the fourth successful NDP examination in Arun District.

The Examiner's report is available to view Barnham & Eastergate Examiners Report.pdf [pdf] 1MB


The Felpham Neighbourhood Development Plan 2013-2029 has successfully passed examination

On 21st April 2014 the Council received the Examiner's report on the Felpham Neighbourhood Development Plan. The examiner’s report concludes that subject to the modifications in the report, the Plan should proceed to referendum. This is the third successful NDP examination in Arun District. The Examiner's report is available to view Felpham Examiner NDP Report.pdf [pdf] 151KB


Neighbourhood Area Designation Consultation 3rd October to 14th November 2013

Please be advised that Ford Parish Council has applied to Arun District Council Local Planning Authority Area (LPAA) for designation of Neighbourhood Area under Part 2 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012. The designation of a neighbourhood area is the first formal stage in preparing a Neighbourhood Development Plan. This means that the Parish Council is proposing to produce a Neighbourhood Development Plan for the proposed area. The government’s Localism Act has introduced a new type of community-led initiative known as a Neighbourhood Development Plan which set out policies on the development and use of land in the proposed area. Parish and Town Councils are able to continue work on their neighbourhood plan while the proposed geography of the neighbourhood area is being determined. Ford - Application Form & Map.pdf [pdf] 2MB. The closing date for this consultation was 14th November 2013.


Question and Answers with Neighbourhood Development Plan Representatives at Barnham Community Facility

Question & Answers - 26th September 2013 Meeting.pdf [pdf] 461KB


Draft Advice Note on Working Arrangements

We have developed an advice note to help build good working relationships between Parish and Town Councils. This advice note sets out what we can do to help and specifies how much time will be needed to complete tasks that we feel will help Parish and Town Councils. It also identifies what we expect Parish and Town Councils to do as part of engaging in Neighbourhood Planning and Community Led Planning. It is hoped that this note will help manage expectations.  We welcome your comments and suggestions on the advice note on how to make it better so that it can work for your Parish and Town Council. This consultation was open between 28 October and 25 November 2011. Draft Advice Note.pdf [pdf] 148KB

Useful guides

Planning Practice Guidance - The Neighbourhood Planning section provides useful information for all involved in developing NDP’s

Quick Guide To Neighbourhood Plans.pdf [pdf] 392KB - A guide from 'Locality'. Locality is the leading nationwide network for community-led organisations. 

Produced by us:

ADC SEA Environmental Assessment Guidance Note.pdf [pdf] 375KB

ADC Opinion Request Form.dotx [dotx] 278KB

Neighbourhood Planning - Policy Workshop Notes.pdf [pdf] 227KB 


Toolkit guide plan making: North Northampton Joint Planning Unit - Produced by Northampton Council

What And The How.pdf [pdf] 4MB - Produced by Mid Sussex

Policy Writing.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Golden Rules.pdf [pdf] 467KB


Useful background information

Arun District Council has produced a lot of studies and surveys which support its planning framework and will help inform the emerging Local Plan. These studies are freely available and will be crucial to help with Neighbourhood Plan and also Community Led Plan production. The studies can be found on the Background Information page. 

Community profiles can also assist in the development of Neighbourhood Plans, and can be found on the  Settlement Sustainability page. 


Useful publications

Sustainability Appraisal - DIY SA Guide.pdf [pdf] 2MB

Neighbourhood Plan Guidance Broadland District Council.pdf [pdf] 1MB

Plain English Guide To Localism Bill.pdf [pdf] 202KB

Defra Rural NDP Frontrunners Case Study.pdf [pdf] 1MB - This report represents a series of case studies of communities considering Neighbourhood Plans with particular emphasis on rural areas.


Useful external links

Locality comprises a national network of over 600 community organisations. Members of the network provide advice and guidance to community groups on how to create a Neighbourhood Plan.

Campaign to Protect Rural England is a campaign group and registered charity who work to promote the sustainable use of land. They have created 'planning help' to help advise on planning issues. Working with the National Association of Local Councils they are developing guidance and training on producing Neighbourhood Plans.

Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI): Planning Aid is a charity who can provide free planning advice. Community planning advisors for a particular region have been established and are able to provide free advice on neighbourhood planning.



Planning Advisory Services (PAS) provides advice to Councillors and Local Authorities on planning issues and also provides very useful online resources.

Front Runner Scheme from the Department for Communities and Local Government provides grants to groups who want to produce early Neighbourhood Plans and from whom lessons can be learned about good practice. Arun has 14 Front Runner Grants.

Frontrunner is a status of early funding which was provided by the government very early on to help those communities engaging in NDP. The wave no. refers to 5 periods when the funding was available to bid for £20k single or multibids. Even though there is additional funding in the future it would not be frontrunner as this initiative is now 2 years in so the ‘frontrunners status’ would no longer be applicable. There is new funding available for groups who can apply for up to £7k.

Wave 2

  • Arundel-£20k

Wave 4

  • Angmering – £20k
  • Felpham - £20 000 (wave 2-multi bid)

Wave 5
(each received grants of £20,000):

  • Bersted Parish Council
  • Bognor Regis Town Council
  • East Preston Parish Council
  • Littlehampton Town Council
  • Rustington Parish Council
  • Pagham Parish Council
  • Yapton Parish Council

The following joint bids also received a grant of £20,000 per bid:

  • Ferring and Kingston Parish Councils
  • Aldingbourne, Barnham, Eastergate and Walberton Parish Councils