Site inspections

All building works which fall within our control are inspected at certain stages of construction.

Each development will be allocated a service plan which will set out the number and type of inspections relevant to your project.

The service plan will be issued once your building regulation application has been accepted.

Please note we do not accept same day inspection requests.

Key inspection stages

The following are the stages at which notification must be given (not all are relevant to all jobs):

  1. Commencement and foundation excavation: when the foundations have been excavated and before they are concreted, an inspection must be made to ensure that the depth and make up of the ground at the base of the foundations is suitable to carry the load from the new building.

  2. Foundation constructed.

  3. Damp proof course: once the damp proof course is laid on a solid or cavity wall, an inspection is needed to ensure that it has been placed in the correct position and that it will fulfil its purpose to prevent rising damp in the building.

  4. Over site ready for concreting: with damp-proof membrane laid if appropriate).

  5. Drains laid and visible for checking layout and construction: all drain runs laid for foul or surface water must be inspected before they are backfilled in order to ensure that they have adequate falls, are accessible, the correct capacity is provided, and that adequate protection to the pipe work is achieved.

  6. Drains backfilled: when the drainage has been covered, a supervised test to ensure a watertight system should be undertaken.

  7. Occupation.

  8. Completion of work.

The above inspections are not necessarily the only ones we will make, some jobs will require extra specific inspections, such as fire protection to a structure, and more complex/large projects may require daily visits.

We will also carry out inspections to ensure that suitable materials are used and that work covered by the building regulations are to a reasonable standard. If necessary, we will make use of other professional expertise and testing procedures.

Completion inspections

At the completion inspection, your project will be reviewed and compared with the documents that formed your application.

Completion inspections are carried out Monday to Wednesday.

24 hours' notice must be given.

Following a successful inspection the relevant completion documentation will then be issued.

We strongly recommend that the completion inspection is carried out before your builder leaves the site and before you make any final payments to them.

The importance of completion certificates

Approval from building control is important when selling or re-mortgaging a home. After the final inspection of building work, property owners are issued with a completion certificate which means that the surveyor or tradesperson is satisfied that the work conforms with building regulations.

This important document is used by solicitors when it comes to selling your property and also by mortgage lenders and property insurers.

If you need a copy of a previously issued completion certificate: