Local lettings plans
Local lettings plans allow the council or a Registered Provider to deliver better outcomes and improve life chances for current tenants and future residents.
We have one local lettings plan in place for Nightingales in Findon. If you would like to bid on a property with a local lettings plan in place, please read the relevant plan below before you bid.
Local lettings plan for Nightingales, Findon, BN14 0TW
Landlord: Arun District Council
Total number of properties covered by this local lettings plan: 31
Reason for introducing a local lettings plan
Some residents need to move due to reduced mobility or medical needs. Sheltered housing schemes are sociable, supportive environments and many tenants who need to move would prefer to stay with their friends, support network, GP and in an area with which they are familiar.
Letting arrangements
Where a vacancy arises at Nightingales, Findon, BN14 OTW preference will be given to existing Nightingales tenants.
Any tenant of Nightingales wishing to move must have a live housing application registered with the council. Details of how to apply can be found on our application for the housing register page. No allocation under this local lettings plan can be made without a tenant being on the housing register at the time a property is advertised.
All vacancies will be advertised in the normal way through our ihousing system, or any other system that the council is using to manage its housing register and allocation functions. The advert will stipulate that preference will be given to existing Nightingales tenants.
Applicants are invited to place bids on those vacancies and any bids from tenants already residing in Nightingales will be given preference for an allocation. In the event that there are no existing tenants of Nightingales wishing to move to the vacant property, the property will be allocated in accordance with our allocation policy.
Should there be more than one tenant from Nightingales on the housing register who express an interest in a vacancy, those applicants will be prioritised and shortlisted in accordance with our allocation policy. You can find the allocation policy on our apply for council housing page.
Unless otherwise stipulated in this local lettings plan, the assessed bedroom need will be calculated in accordance with the bedroom standard set out in the council’s allocation policy in place at the time of this local lettings plan.
Adapted properties meeting mobility standards are excluded from this local lettings plan unless a tenant who wishes to move within Nightingales has a specific requirement for those adaptations.
Equalities implications
There is potential for some negative impact for people who are not existing sheltered housing tenants, but need low level flats. This impact is anticipated to be minimal as the number of flats lets under this scheme is expected to be relatively low. Where a flat meets defined mobility standards, this will not be let to a tenant not in need of an adapted property – this reduces the potential for negative impact upon disabled people. Although it is proposed that existing ADC tenants would have priority bidding for vacant flats, the net number of flats available for general bids would remain unchanged as units vacated by tenants who transfer will be advertised in place of those originally vacant.
Date of lettings plan: 27 September 2022