Our performance

As a registered social housing landlord, we are required to meet all relevant government legislation in the delivery of our housing services. Below, you can learn more about our performance measures, view the results, and read the actions we have taken as a result of the feedback you have given us.

Purpose and overview

The purpose of the performance measures is to support our vision and will allow us to have visibility of how housing is performing as a service. It will help us to better understand the things that are crucial to our residents and make necessary changes to support the community.

In June 2022 we joined Housemark, a data insight company for the UK housing sector. This membership allows us to analyse our performance and compare it to that of other providers in the sector, highlighting areas for improvement.

We will continue to engage with residents by conducting surveys, visiting neighbourhoods, holding focus groups and making contact by telephone, email, or letter so that we can collate your feedback to help produce a set of proposed measures to ensure we are reporting on the things that are important to you and so you are able to hold us to account for our performance.

It is proposed that a report will be taken to Committee every bi-annually to report on these measures, which we will also share with our residents annually through our website, newsletters, resident feedback groups and coffee mornings.

Resident Priorities

You told us that your top priorities are:

Property repairs & minor adaptations

We understand that currently, Repairs is the top concern for our residents. As a result, we will be measuring the performance of this field by regularly reviewing our resident satisfaction with repairs, reporting on the average cost of a responsive repair and the number of non-emergency and emergency repairs completed within our target timescale.

This will enable us to record our current position and assess any trends that indicate where improvements need to be made, we will report to you the actions we are taking to improve performance.

We have also reviewed our Repairs Handbook and have produced an updated version to include building safety and compliance information to raise awareness of this crucial area of housing. You can view this below:

Antisocial behaviour

We aim to deliver effective and sustainable neighbourhood management by encouraging our residents to engage with us. We want to action recommendations to ensure our residents can approach us confidently, safe in the knowledge that we will act quickly and appropriately. We will be introducing a measure to record the satisfaction of our handling of anti-social behaviour in the community, which will help to inform our community teams and public services about any areas that require additional security and support.

We will also be providing clearer guidance to our residents in our new Tenant Handbook on who to report different concerns to, and anticipated response times, to ensure that reports are dealt with swiftly and appropriately by the correct service first time.

Complaints handling

We want to ensure that we are working to clear standards in relation to handling complaints and feedback from our residents. Subsequently, we will be reporting on the proportion of Stage 1 and Stage 2 complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman complaint handling code timescales, which will include the number of complaints overall.

It is important that as a service we learn from the complaints we receive, and our housing management team meet monthly to review trends and case studies relating to complaints. We will be sharing with our residents the lessons learnt from complaints and the actions we are taking to improve the services received.

Helping the homeless

Homelessness and managed moves are unfortunate circumstances, and we understand that it can be a very stressful time for our residents, whether already residing in Arun, moving into the district, or needing to leave the area.

We will document the average number of days that households are spending in B&Bs or temporary accommodation, alongside the magnitude of households waiting for housing. This will be segmented further into the different banding and bedroom sizes of these households. We will also be reporting on the proportion of cases where we have been able to prevent homelessness. This will better inform us of opportunities to improve the wellbeing of Arun, in line with our vision.

Recently, we conducted a Moving Journey survey, which was issued to 34 residents who had recently moved into a Council home in the Arun area between May – July 2023. By following the link below, you can read more information about the guidance given in the ‘Moving Journey’ document we recently developed. This was shaped by the feedback provided by residents who have experienced this journey, to support those who are homeless, or in temporary accommodation awaiting housing that has been developed from the feedback returned, to support those who are homeless, and in temporary accommodation awaiting housing.

Read more about the Moving Journey


Your Housing Journey survey questions

A brief survey to the new tenants of Arun District Council properties to provide feedback on your experience and journey
with Housing Services.
* Required

  1. Please select your age bracket below *
    • 18-28
    • 29-38
    • 39-48
    • 49-60
    • 60+
  2. Please enter the area that you have moved to; For example - Pagham, Bersted, Fontwell, Littlehampton, East Preston etc. *
  3. Were the following explained to you before your tenancy started: *
    • How to contact your local Council office?
    • Who your housing officer is?
    • The tenancy agreement?
    • How to pay your rent?
    • How much rent to pay?
    • How to report a repair?
    • How to report an emergency repair when offices are closed?
  4. Were you: *
    • Advised about housing benefit?
    • Advised what to do if there is a fire in the building?
    • Advised where your fire exits are?
    • Given a tenants' handbook?
    • Told whether there is a residents' association and how to contact them?
  5. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is very poor and 10 is excellent, how would you rate:
    The helpfulness of staff when you viewed the property? *
  6. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is very poor and 10 is excellent, how would you rate:
    The property's state of repair and cleanliness? *
  7. On a scale of 1-10, where 1 is very poor and 10 is excellent, how would you rate:
    The allocation, letting and sign up process? *
  8. If you were not happy with any of the above, what could have been better? *
  9. Please use this space for any other comments and any suggestions for improvements to the service given to new tenants. *
  10. If you are happy for us to contact you in the future for feedback, please leave your address
    and telephone number below. *
  11. The information you have provided will be stored and kept in accordance with our confidentiality procedure and will be held in accordance with the principles set out in the Data Protection Act 1998. We will share the information you have provided so that we can improve services. If you do not want your name and address to be included, please indicate
    below. *
    • Include
    • Do not include
Accordion end

Building safety & compliance

The safety of our residents is paramount and we will be reporting on the percentage of homes with a valid GSC (Gas Safety Certificate) and satisfactory EICR (Electrical Installation Condition Report). 

In addition, we are developing a new handbook that will incorporate more information about the different inspections we are required to complete, including asbestos checks, monitoring and removal. In response to a survey we conducted in August 2022, this was previously raised to us as a priority directly from our residents.

We will be providing more detail on fire safety procedures and data on the management of health and safety risks associated with our housing. This will enable our residents and homeowners to understand their rights and to ensure homes across our district are safer so we can continue to strive for upper-quartile performance.

Empty homes (voids)

We are actively working hard to improve our empty home (void) performance, demonstrated by an 11.85% reduction in our average relet times from March 2023 to June 2023.

Resident engagement

We know how important it is to engage with communities and encourage residents to participate in and influence the decisions and directions of travel for the Council. We are developing a menu of opportunities for our residents and regularly seeking feedback to better inform us on how we’re performing, and what is focal for our residents.

We are already undertaking resident satisfaction surveys, and producing annual reports to tenants and leaseholders that share the highlights of our performance. We are also planning to commission further surveys specific to Complaints, Antisocial Behaviour and Repairs areas of Housing Services.

Tenant Handbook Feedback form questions

We have redesigned the tenant handbook provided for new residents moving into an Arun District Council property. We would appreciate your feedback. Any resident that completes this short feedback form will be entered into a prize draw to win a £50 Love2Shop voucher,

This survey should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

All information you provide is treated in confidence and in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2078. The information will be used for statistical and monitoring purposes. It will not be used to identify individuals apart from those instances where you give us consent to contact you using the personal details you have provided us with.

We will also use your contact details if you are the winner of the prize draw.

Please read our privacy policy. Please submit your responses by 2 August 2023.
* Required

Your contact details

  • 1. Full name (required for entry to the prize draw)
  • 2. What is your age group?
    • under 18
    • 18-25
    • 26-35
    • 36-45
    • 46-55
    • 56-65
    • 65+
  • 3. Please enter your email address (required for entry to the prize draw)
  • 4. Do you consent to us contacting you?
    • Yes
    • No

For the following questions, please evaluate the Tenant Handbook from the statement:

  • 5. The tenant handbook is easy to understand *
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  • 6. The tenant handbook is useful *
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  •  7. The tenant handbook is improved from it's last edition in 2010 *
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
    • Not applicable - I have not seen the previous handbook
  • 8. It is easy to find the information I need in the tenant handbook *
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  • 9. The tenant handbook would help resolve most residents' common questions *
    • Strongly agree
    • Agree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Disagree
    • Strongly disagree
  • 10. Please rate the tenant handbook overall *
    • respondents were asked to choose a star rating between 1 star and 6 stars.
  • 11. Please provide any further feedback on the Tenant Handbook. We would welcome your views on the content, the layout and the style of the handbook, as well as anything that would be beneficial to include or anything we do not need *

Thank you for your time!

Accordion end

We will be updating this page quarterly with results of other surveys, and you can find out more information on our Resident Engagement Strategy 2022 – 2026 here: Resident Engagement Strategy 2022 – 2026.

The satisfaction of our residents is vital for us to be able to deliver our 2022 - 2026 Vision. Our role aside from delivering public services, is to make Arun a better place to live, work and visit.

There have been recent changes in the housing sector and as a provider of social housing, we are required to comply, by providing our tenants with greater transparency about our performance and meet the overall satisfaction of our residents. 

Changes in the housing sector include the introduction of the Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard. The new regulatory requirements came into force on 1 April 2023, at which point, social housing landlords began to distribute a survey to residents to collect data in line with a core set of defined measures, to return to the regulator. 

As part of the introduced measures, the Tenant Satisfaction Measures survey questions need to include the 12 tenant perception questions exactly as the Regulator has written them, landlords will also be allowed to include their own questions along with these. Our survey went live in June 2023.

Landlords that own 1,000 or more dwelling units of LCRA (Low-Cost Rental Accommodation) will send the first year of tenant satisfaction measures data back to the Regulator in the summer of 2024. As we are a provider of over 3,000 homes, we will be required to conform to this. The data will be returned to us towards the end of August 2023, and our results will be taken to our committee in November 2023, and published on this page soon after. 

For more information please visit our Resident engagement strategy and our Council vision 2022-2026 website pages. The Tenant Satisfaction Measures Standard is available on the government website page.

You can read the results of our 2023 residents' satisfaction survey and see our plan for service delivery improvements on our resident engagement page.

In addition to the 12 resident perception questions, we will also need to report on several performance indicators. These are related to building safety, anti-social behaviour, neighbourhood management, complaints and repairs. These will also be submitted to the regulator along with our satisfaction results. 

You can read our performance results below:

Performance results

Tenant satisfaction measure

Our performance 2023/24


BS01 - proportion of homes for which all required gas safety checks have been carried out.


BS02 - proportion of homes for which all required fire risk assessments have been carried out.


BS03 - proportion of homes for which all required asbestos management surveys or re-inspections have been carried out.


BS04 - proportion of homes for which all required legionella risk assessments have been carried out.


BS05 -proportion of homes for which all required communal passenger lift safety checks have been carried out


Anti-social behaviour

NM01 - number of anti-social behaviour cases opened per 1,000 homes.


NM01 - number of anti-social behaviour cases that involve hate incidents opened per 1,000 homes.



CH01 — number of stage one complaints made by tenants in the relevant stock type during the reporting year per 1,000 homes.


CH02 - proportion of stage one complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales.


CH01 — number of stage two complaints made by tenants in the relevant stock type during the reporting year per 1,000 homes.


CH02 — proportion of stage two complaints responded to within the Housing Ombudsman’s Complaint Handling Code timescales.



RP02 - proportion of non-emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale.


RP02 - proportion of emergency responsive repairs completed within the landlord’s target timescale.


We also produce a quarterly booklet that gives you more information on the actions we are taking as a result of feedback you have given us.

Read the housing services performance booklet on PageSuite