Service Standards Health and Safety

Please NOTE these are additional steps are to be read in conjunction with the above general service standards and the published health and safety service plan.

1 Intervention Plan

We will draw up an intervention plan at the beginning of each financial year with reference to LAC 67/2 Setting Local Authority Priorities and Targeting Interventions. This will form part of the annual service plan and will detail the proposed proactive and reactive work programmes for the year.

2 Accident Notifications

(a) RIDDOR accident notifications will be assessed against LAC 22/13 Incident Selection Criteria Guidance to determine if they are to be investigated. The decision will be recorded on the Environmental Health database.

(b) Major accident and/or fatality investigations should commence ideally immediately but within 48 hours (excludes weekends/holidays). A separate procedure is in place to deal with Major Incidents in conjunction with other councils and the HSE.

(c) Where an accident is selected for investigation, we will:

i. Contact the notifying person or other appropriate representative in the company, ideally within 7 working days of notification,

ii. Where necessary we may also contact the injured person and/or witnesses and any complainant to obtain further information

iii. Where necessary liaise with other local authorities, including any Primary Authority and/or the HSE

iv. Determine immediately after completing i to iii above if a more formal investigation and site visit is required and thereafter, we will:

v. Take evidence as required

vi. Advise persons in control of the work activity of the legal position and where necessary give specific instructions as to the further protection of their staff and others affected by their undertaking

vii. Refer to other agencies any matters which fall to them to enforce within 2 working days of becoming aware of their involvement

viii. At the conclusion of the investigation, we will contact those who have been involved in the case and inform them of the outcome

ix. Respond to solicitor enquiries regarding civil cases within 14 working days