Publication Scheme

We are required by the Information Commissioner Office (ICO) to make certain information publically available. This is known as the Publication Scheme. Below is a description of each section of the scheme and links to where the information can be found.

Who we are and what we do

What we spend and how we spend it

What our priorities are and how we are doing

How we make decisions

Lists and registers

Services provided by the council

Departmental policy documents

Environmental Health and private sector housing - A guide to our services [pdf] 768KB

Environmental Health enforcement policy

Enforcement policy leaflet [pdf] 208KB

General Environmental Health service standards [pdf] 11KB

Private Housing and Public Health service standards [pdf] 104KB

Pollution service standards [HTML]

Health and Safety Service Standards [HTML]

Licensing service standards

Dog wardens service standards [pdf] 85KB

AR Appendix B Food Safety Service Standards - June 2024 [pdf] 110KB

AR Health Safety Service Plan 2024-25 [pdf] 207KB

AR Food Safety Service Plan 2024-25 without Appendix B final [pdf] 373KB

Property Investment Strategy 2017-2022 [HTML]

Health and Safety Policy Statement 2023

2009-2014 Corporate Asset Management Strategy [pdf] 1MB