The procurement process

Procurement is governed by Contract Standing Orders (see our Constitution, Part 6; Section 4 – Purchasing, Procurement, Contracts & Disposals) and Public Contracts regulations.

Our contract thresholds are as below:

Procurement thresholds

Revised value

Number of tenders to be invited

Below £1000

Obtain a single written quote, where possible from a local contractor.

£1,000 to £10,000

Ensure value for money by inviting at least 2 written quotes, one of which should be from a local contractor if possible.

£10,001 to £100,000

Ensure value for money by inviting at least 3 contractors to submit written quotations, one of which should be local, if possible or use of an appropriate framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system.

£100,001 to UK threshold

(Contact procurement)

Formal tender process following appropriate advertisement or use of an appropriate framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system.

Above UK threshold

(Contact procurement)

Formal process as set out in the Public Contracts Regulations 2015 or use of an appropriate framework agreement or dynamic purchasing system.

Opportunity notices are published, where appropriate, on Contracts Finder and Find A Tender

All tendering opportunities are advertised on the eSourcing portal. You only need to register (which is free) if you want to participate in one of the tenders, not just to browse.

Our procurement strategy can be viewed here: Procurement Strategy 2016-2022[pdf] 322KB

Please note that the lifetime of this document has been extended to allow for central government’s review of procurement.

For further information, please contact