
Having a non-dependent person living with you may affect your Housing Benefit or Council Tax Reduction claim.

Someone over 18 who lives with you may affect how much Housing Benefit and Council Tax Reduction you get because they are expected to pay towards housing costs and Council Tax.  

A non-dependant can be a relative, friend, or child who has left education, so Child Benefit has ended.

We take set amounts off your benefit for them based on their income. 

We do not make a deduction for any non-dependent if you or your partner: 

  • are blind or have recently regained sight 
  • get the care component of Disability Living Allowance or daily living component of Personal Independence Payment 
  • get Attendance Allowance 

A deduction of £19.30 is made if the non-dependent is: 

  • over 25 and getting Income Support or Job Seekers Allowance (income based) 
  • getting the main phase ESA (income related) 
  • over 18 and not in paid work 
  • over 18 and in paid work with a weekly gross income less than £154.99

In certain circumstances there is no deduction taken but this is dependant upon the household circumstances and will be applied automatically as long as you tell us everything about your household and income.


Non-dependent deductions

Non-dependant’s gross income
(from 1 April 2024) 

Housing Benefit reduction per week 2023

Housing Benefit reduction per week 2024

Less than £175.99



Between £176 - £255.99



Between £256 - £339.99



Between £334 - £449.99



Between £445 - £553.99



£554 or more




Tell us about any non-dependants living with you